Proton Drive: copy vs sync

I am new to rclone and would like to use it with Proton Drive. The following command works fine:

rclone copy --progress --rc-enable-metrics --transfers 4 --protondrive-replace-existing-draft=true /sourcePath /remote:destinationPath

while these commands based on this do not.

rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-addr=$RC_ADDR --rc-user=$RC_USER --rc-pass=$RC_PASS --log-file="$LOG_FILE" --log-level INFO --rc-enable-metrics &

rclone rc sync/sync srcFs="$SRC_FS" dstFs="$DST_FS" _async=true --url "http://$RC_ADDR" --user "$RC_USER" --pass "$RC_PASS" --log-file=$LOG_FILE --log-level INFO --progress --transfers 4 --protondrive-replace-existing-draft=true

Is the problem related to rc that does not read the parameters? Or is it related to sync that is not compatible with Proton Drive? Or something else?
Thank you

rclone version
rclone v1.69.1

  • os/version: ubuntu 24.04 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 6.11.0-17-generic (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.24.0
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

rclone config redacted
type = protondrive
username =
password = XXX
2fa = code
client_uid = XXX
client_access_token = XXX
client_refresh_token = XXX
client_salted_key_pass = XXX

welcome to the forum,

use DEBUG and post the full output.

2025/02/25 21:09:13 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "rcd" "--rc-web-gui" "--rc-addr=" "--rc-user=user" "--rc-pass=user" "--log-file=./rclone-sync.log" "--log-level" "DEBUG" "--rc-enable-metrics"]
2025/02/25 21:09:14 DEBUG : Current tag: v2.0.5, Release tag: v2.0.5
2025/02/25 21:09:14 NOTICE: Web GUI exists. Update skipped.
2025/02/25 21:09:14 NOTICE: Serving Web GUI
2025/02/25 21:09:14 INFO : Using --user user --pass XXXX as authenticated user
2025/02/25 21:09:14 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
2025/02/25 21:09:14 DEBUG : login_token "dG9yZTp0b3"
2025/02/25 21:09:17 INFO : /: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "rc" "sync/sync" "srcFs=/home/user/folder" "dstFs=protonuser:user/folder" "_async=true" "--url" "" "--user" "user" "--pass" "user" "--log-file=./rclone-sync.log" "--log-level" "DEBUG" "--progress" "--transfers" "4" "--protondrive-replace-existing-draft=true"]
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : rc: "sync/sync": with parameters map[_async:true dstFs:protonuser:user/folder srcFs:/home/user/folder]
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : rc: "sync/sync": reply map[jobid:1]:
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/user/folder"
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/user/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : 5 go routines active
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "protonuser:user/folder"
2025/02/25 21:09:18 DEBUG : proton drive root link ID 'user/folder': Has cached credentials
2025/02/25 21:09:20 DEBUG : proton drive root link ID 'user/folder': Used cached credential to initialize the ProtonDrive API
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : README: Size and modification time the same (differ by -76.525067ms, within tolerance 1s)
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : README: Unchanged skipping
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : config: Size and modification time the same (differ by -180.526167ms, within tolerance 1s)
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : config: Unchanged skipping
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : integrity.32223: Size and modification time the same (differ by -334.164884ms, within tolerance 1s)
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : integrity.32223: Unchanged skipping
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : hints.32223: Size and modification time the same (differ by -19.161474ms, within tolerance 1s)
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : nonce: Size and modification time the same (differ by -541.300957ms, within tolerance 1s)
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : index.32223: Size and modification time the same (differ by -131.162686ms, within tolerance 1s)
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : hints.32223: Unchanged skipping
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : nonce: Unchanged skipping
2025/02/25 21:09:25 DEBUG : index.32223: Unchanged skipping
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/css/7.53ba004a.chunk.css: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/css/main.a94f9b21.chunk.css: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/js/7.736d42cd.chunk.js: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/js/main.133e3820.chunk.js: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /manifest.json: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/css/9.85f19f90.chunk.css: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/js/22.168de63b.chunk.js: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:34 INFO : /static/js/9.7d5641a6.chunk.js: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/version": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/version": reply map[arch:amd64 decomposed:[1 69 1] goTags:none goVersion:go1.24.0 isBeta:false isGit:false linking:static os:linux version:v1.69.1]:
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:4.3963e-05 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:0.063204138 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/bwlimit": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:37 DEBUG : rc: "core/bwlimit": reply map[bytesPerSecond:-1 bytesPerSecondRx:-1 bytesPerSecondTx:-1 rate:off]:
2025/02/25 21:09:38 INFO : /manifest.json: Unauthorized request from
2025/02/25 21:09:43 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:43 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:5.899270561 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:43 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:43 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:5.920632769 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:10.890254474 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:10.894517907000001 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:15.873961113 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:15.877263277 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:20.877313562 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:09:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:09:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:20.878044556 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:25.875428366 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:25.877574717999998 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:30.879040997 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:30.880334679 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:35.877979412 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:35.880164487 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:40.877370659 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:40.879635908 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:24 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:24 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:46.530510691 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:24 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:24 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:46.532223676 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:36 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:36 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:58.281287527 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:36 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:36 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:58.282113116 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:64.581661363 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:64.58209748 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:70.996387862 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:71.003703686 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:71.004934852 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:71.006291721 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:71.017340807 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:71.020742151 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:75.878492716 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:75.881264499 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:80.873881351 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:10:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:10:58 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:80.875186959 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:85.874660657 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:03 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:85.875514672 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:90.876496443 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:08 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:90.87882171 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:95.881401723 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:13 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:95.882949448 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:100.882039782 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:18 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:100.883417365 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:23 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:23 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:105.929199836 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:23 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:23 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:105.92946752 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:29 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:29 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:111.948406588 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:29 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:29 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:111.951644931 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:34 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:34 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:116.615763712 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:34 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:34 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:116.616026862 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:39 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:39 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:121.639446267 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:39 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:39 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:121.64816072 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:124.919279951 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:42 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:125.057583148 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:130.87200111 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:48 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:130.875190056 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:135.873781546 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": with parameters map
2025/02/25 21:11:53 DEBUG : rc: "core/stats": reply map[bytes:0 checks:6 deletedDirs:0 deletes:0 elapsedTime:135.874273219 errors:0 eta: fatalError:false renames:0 retryError:false serverSideCopies:0 serverSideCopyBytes:0 serverSideMoveBytes:0 serverSideMoves:0 speed:0 totalBytes:0 totalChecks:6 totalTransfers:0 transferTime:0.00839018 transfers:0]:
2025/02/25 21:11:55 INFO : Signal received: interrupt
2025/02/25 21:11:55 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.1" finishing with parameters ["rclone" "rcd" "--rc-web-gui" "--rc-addr=" "--rc-user=user" "--rc-pass=user" "--log-file=./rclone-sync.log" "--log-level" "DEBUG" "--rc-enable-metrics"]
2025/02/25 21:11:55 INFO : Exiting...

that looks ok to me

Thank you, but why does not it upload any files?

well, based on that debug log snippet, there is nothing to upload.

This is probably my fault, however the following works:

rclone copy --progress --rc-enable-metrics --transfers 4 --protondrive-replace-existing-draft=true $SRC_FS $DST_FS

while this one does not work. Can you explain to me what my error is?

rclone rc sync/sync srcFs=$SRC_FS dstFs=$DST_FS _async=true --url "http://$RC_ADDR" --user $RC_USER --pass $RC_PASS --log-file=$LOG_FILE --log-level DEBUG --progress --transfers 4 --protondrive-replace-existing-draft=true

Thank you

Could you try NOT to use proton drive for test? Replace it with other local directory for example. Or some other remote destination.

It would help to narrow down where the issues is. Proton or RC.

this is very strange. If I remove proton Drive and the rclone rc sync command is run locally, it works. However, the rclone copy command also works remotely on proton Drive. The rclone debug says it uses the cached credentials I have configured as explained here. Could this be the problem?
Are other users successfully using rclone rc with proton Drive?

The next obvious question is whether simple rclone sync works? Without rc. But with Proton destination.

1 Like

It works

rclone sync --progress --rc-enable-metrics --transfers 4 --protondrive-replace-existing-draft=true /sourcePath /remote:destinationPath