I'd like to add more observability to underlying cloud providers' SDKs by adding prometheus metrics.
I'm mostly concerned with monitoring non standard responses, errors and retries.
My initial idea is by adding that functionality to fshttp::Transport
With promhttp package, more or less like in the example (without trace)
The static labels would be
fs name
HTTP host
I'd appreciate feedback regarding this idea and possible improvements to this design draft.
it looks like it has stalled - maybe you'd like to take it over?
Adding observability to the rclone Transport is a good way of capturing all the backends so that sounds like a great idea.
Where would you get fs name from? It is possible that the Transport is in use by two backends at once, eg if you are copying from s3 to google drive...
I was also going with the same issue for underlying cloud SDK by adding prometheus metrics. After reading and implementing this thread I solved my issue. Also I was curious about the metrics.
Thank you.
The metrics are almost perfect. It would be a killer feature to have Operations reporting there as well (Copied, Deleted, Transfered) file names, error reporting etc.
Logs (stdout and Json) already provide that info. How hard would it be to integrate that to the /metrics endpoint?