Problem with copy/check files (SMB+SD)

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Having 2 questions.

  1. Why after copy some files differs from source even 1,8s? So when i dry-run after it i get again some files need to transfer
  2. (Done) Why debug says that? I tried md5sum and it works on this files
    No common hash found - not using a hash for checks

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

/ # rclone version
rclone v1.68.1-termux

  • os/version: unknown
  • os/kernel: 4.14.197-Xtended (armv8l)
  • os/type: android
  • os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
  • go/version: go1.23.1
  • go/linking: dynamic
  • go/tags: noselfupdate

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

SMB (linux,laptop) -> SDcard on android

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

"rclone" "copy" "-n" "--modify-window" "2s" "-vv" "--exclude" "/Ringtones/**" "--exclude" "**.sync.ffs_db" "SMB:/Музыка/VA/" "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/"
##and also
"rclone" check "--modify-window" "1s" "-vv" "--exclude" "/Ringtones/**" "--exclude" "**.sync.ffs_db" "SMB:/Музыка/VA/" "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/" &>/data/local/tmp/1.txt

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = smb
host =

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

2024/10/14 20:29:02 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.1-termux" starting with parameters ["rclone" "check" "--modify-window" "1s" "-vv" "--exclude" "/Ringtones/**" "--exclude" "**.sync.ffs_db" "SMB:/Музыка/VA/" "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/"]
2024/10/14 20:29:02 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "SMB:/Музыка/VA/"
2024/10/14 20:29:02 DEBUG : Using config file from "/storage/emulated/0/Скрипты/rclone.conf"
2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : smb://root@Музыка/VA: Using root directory "Музыка/VA"
2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "SMB:/Музыка/VA/" to be canonical "SMB:Музыка/VA"
2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/"
2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/" to be canonical "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA"
2024/10/14 20:29:03 ERROR : No common hash found - not using a hash for checks
2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : Local file system at /storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA: Waiting for checks to finish
2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : Trance/Believe In Me - ATB.flac: OK - could not check hash
2024/10/14 20:29:03 NOTICE: Local file system at /storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA: 1603 matching files
2024/10/14 20:29:03 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	          0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Checks:              1603 / 1603, 100%
Elapsed time:         1.0s

2024/10/14 20:29:03 DEBUG : 19 go routines active

#and copy try (after copy)

2024/10/14 20:48:43 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.1-termux" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "-n" "--modify-window" "1s" "-vv" "--exclude" "/Ringtones/**" "--exclude" "**.sync.ffs_db" "SMB:/Музыка/VA/" "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/"]
2024/10/14 20:48:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "SMB:/Музыка/VA/"
2024/10/14 20:48:43 DEBUG : Using config file from "/storage/emulated/0/Скрипты/rclone.conf"
2024/10/14 20:48:44 DEBUG : smb://root@Музыка/VA: Using root directory "Музыка/VA"
2024/10/14 20:48:44 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "SMB:/Музыка/VA/" to be canonical "SMB:Музыка/VA"
2024/10/14 20:48:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/"
2024/10/14 20:48:44 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA/" to be canonical "/storage/395A-8B60/Музыка/VA"
2024/10/14 20:48:45 DEBUG : Trance/Believe In Me - ATB.flac: Modification times differ by -1.84s: 2021-07-05 19:08:15.84 +0000 UTC, 2021-07-05 19:08:14 +0000 UTC
Transferred:   	  866.885 MiB / 866.885 MiB, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Checks:              1603 / 1603, 100%
Transferred:           50 / 50, 100%
Elapsed time:         1.5s

2024/10/14 20:48:45 DEBUG : 19 go routines active

afiak, rclone smb remote does not support checksums.

rclone backend features smb: | grep "Hashes"
        "Hashes": [],
check out my howto guide for details and workarounds.
tho the workaround requires mount, which termux cannot do without root.

as for rclone check, might try
--download Check by downloading rather than with hash

as a workaround, termux support sftp server, which can support hashes.
or run rclone serve sftp

Get it, thanks.
Maybe someone else knows about time difference problem?


about the time difference, without a debug log, no way to know, can be many reasons for it.
can copy a single file using --dry-run -vv and post the output.

different backends(smb), different file systems(fat), etc.., each with different resolution for timestamps.
much discussed in the forum, can search about that.

there are a few possible workarounds,
might try --refresh-times, --modify-window

rclone v1.68.0-termux
- os/version: unknown
- os/kernel: 5.10.198-android13-4-00050-g12f3388846c3-ab11920634 (aarch64)
- os/type: android
- os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
- go/version: go1.23.0
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: noselfupdate

rclone backend features local | grep "Precision"
        "Precision": 1

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