Problem setting up box cloud service

I am trying to create setup for box cloud service but i am not sure what to enter for these three options: client_id, client_secret, box_config_file.
In my box account under account settings i have something called Account ID. Is this client_id?
Is client_secret the password for my box account?
And what is the box_config_file?

Did you run rclone config and just follow the prompts or are you trying to edit the file manually?

The box information is listed here:

I am running rclone config and i am trying to follow the guide for box service, but i am not sure what to use for these three options.

Leave client_id and client_secret blank and see if that works. In fact leaving all the settings blank should work just fine so try that first!

I left the three options blank and for the rest i selected the default. In the end it opened this address in my browser: with the message Unable to connect.

Are you running the browser on the same box as the rclone config is being run on?

Yes, i am using Windows 7 x64.

I tried to setup box service on xubuntu on virtual machine. I left blank everything and in the end when it opened the browser it opened the box login page. I entered my login credentials and the token was generated successfully. So, it seems the problem exist only for rclone on Windows.

Finally, it worked. I don't know why because i didn't do anything different. Just left everything blank and in the end it opened the box login page successfully.

It might be a local firewall problem. Rclone runs a web server temporarily to receive the redirect from the oauth page - that can get blocked by local firewalls.

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