Pikpak Copy Corrupted on transfer

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I getting errors copying multiple files from Pikpak cloud
I getting corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 1433951691 vs 0

- os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.4.0-172-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.22.1
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Cloud Storage:

Example error:

2024/06/14 14:11:59 INFO  : Series/Amazon/Casate con mi esposo/S01/S01E02.mp4: Copied (new)
2024/06/14 14:12:49 ERROR : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E04.mp4: corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 982317705 vs 0
2024/06/14 14:12:49 INFO  : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E04.mp4: Removing failed copy
2024/06/14 14:12:53 ERROR : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E06.mp4: corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 959143982 vs 0
2024/06/14 14:12:53 INFO  : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E06.mp4: Removing failed copy
2024/06/14 14:13:02 ERROR : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E07.mp4: corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 1189549612 vs 0
2024/06/14 14:13:02 INFO  : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E07.mp4: Removing failed copy
2024/06/14 14:13:05 ERROR : Series/Netflix/BerlĂ­n/S01/S01E08.mp4: corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 1324246015 vs 0

Command userd to copy:

sudo rclone copy -v pikbox:Castellano 03idrive:03idrive/Castellano --create-empty-src-dirs --transfers 10  --ignore-existing  -P &

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Try the latest rclone beta - recently few PRs were merged related to pikpak.

I tried with rclone beta, but I get sames errors.. this errors happens even with rclone sync

How often does it happen? For all files? or some specific files? Can you provide debug log using -vv flag?

the lastest stable has been released, might want to test that.

corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 982317705 vs 0
the source is pikpak and rclone returned the file size as 982317705
maybe i am confused, but how is that a pikpak issue?

  • do the same files fail every time, or random files?
  • can you post the output of rclone config redacted ?
  • need to use -vv for all commands, for debug output
  • as a test, pick a single trouble file, re-run the command with --dump=headers -vv
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this happen for all files , will test debug logo flag to test.

I'm unfortunately running into the same problem (both on the current stable and beta version). This also happens on files that I know, I successfully downloaded with rclone just ~10 days ago. I've attached my debug output below. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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