Owncloud Weddav chunks size

I test Rclone with Owncloud,

what is the default size of chunks ?
is it possible to define the size of chunks ?
I can not find information in the documentation.

rclone doesn’t use chunks with webdav servers - in fact I didn’t know you could! (I don’t think it is part of the webdav standard).

The official Owncloud client use chunks.
in configuration file we could define chunkSize variable.

Interesting. As far as I know webdav doesn’t let you upload with chunks, so I’m guessing they are using their own protocol.

Why is chunk size important to you?

It’s not very important, it’s just curiosity to know how Rclone works…

Thank you for your answers, and especially thanks for your work on Rclone
Very nice program

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