Operation not supported on writing?


I am using gocryotfs (include go-fuse) with rclone.
But go-fuse cannot write file contents into rclone mounted DIR.
It will created a 0 size file and return “operation not supported”.

On rclone side:
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: Dir.Lookup
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: Dir.Lookup
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: Dir.Create
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: Dir.Create OK
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : File.Attr valid=1m0s ino=0 size=0 mode=-rw-r–r--
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: WriteFileHandle.Flush
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: WriteFileHandle.Flush ignoring flush on unwritten handle
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: WriteFileHandle.Flush
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: WriteFileHandle.Flush ignoring flush on unwritten handle
2017/05/17 23:05:09 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: WriteFileHandle.Release closing
2017/05/17 23:05:10 DEBUG : Backup/cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw: WriteFileHandle.Release OK
2017/05/17 23:05:17 DEBUG : Backup: Dir.Attr valid=1m0s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxr-xr-x

On gocryptfs(go-fuse) side:
encryptPath ‘Untitled2.png’ -> ‘cgsBrc7JcDZrIJudG_ylcw’ (err: )
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Serialize 29: CREATE code: OK
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Dispatch 30: WRITE, NodeId: 4. 65536 bytes
ino5855114367029047908: FUSE Write: offset=0 length=65536
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Serialize 30: WRITE code: 95=operation not supported value:
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Dispatch 31: FLUSH, NodeId: 4. data: {Fh 2}
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Serialize 31: FLUSH code: OK value:
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Dispatch 32: RELEASE, NodeId: 4. data: {Fh 2 WRONLY,0x8000 L0}
2017/05/17 23:05:09 Serialize 32: RELEASE code: OK value:

It’s strange cannot write at offset=0 on an empty file.