Hello, I'm experiencing very low downstream throughputs (~1Mbps) syncing my OneDrive remote to a local hard drive.
My setup:
rclone v1.53.3
MacBook Pro / macOS Big Sur (but I've tried with other machines)
Network connection via cable (ISP throughput is 1Gbps down / 0.5Gbps up)
I've started with this command:
rclone sync -P --log-file=rclone.log --log-level INFO OneDrive: ~/mount_point/backup/OneDrive/
But I've tried to tweak --checkers and --transfers trying lower/higher values but with no particular difference.
Log file does not show particular errors or hints. It is just slow.
Side note: I'm not blaming rclone here. Instead, I think that the culprit is OneDrive. I've tried to download something from the OneDrive web GUI and my transfer speed is at best 20Mbps, which is something ridiculously slow compared to my connection capabilities. I'm thinking of changing my cloud provider for this reason, but that is another story. What I'm basically asking is if you think everything is correct from the rclone point of view, and other reasons are to be searched on OneDrive side.
I didn't know about the possibility of getting my own client ID and secret.
I've done that, but throughput honestly seems the same as before.
The good news is that after I opened this topic I managed to get for some time around 50Mbps, now I'm around 48
But this seems something related to the server side, because it is still way lower than my ISP connection is capable of
Here's my config:
type = onedrive
token = {"access_token":"","expiry":""}
drive_id =
drive_type = personal
client_id =
client_secret =
in the past, based my own testing, onedrive was not good solution for me, even though i have offce365 and get 1TB of space. i do not use it.
i pay wasabi, a s3 rclone, known for hot storage. easy to saturate my 1Gbps fiber optic connection..
i use aws s3 glacier and deep glacier to cold storage.
wasabi offers a free one month trial, try it and see what upload speeds you get.
if the speeds are also slow, perhaps it is your isp.
in the past, i used google storage, also got very good speeds.
have you tested that yet, as compared to onedrive?
as some point, update this post with your findings....
for hot storage per TB
$20.58 = google storage
$05.99 = wasabi