Onedrive sizes differ on files uploaded by Onedrive iOS client

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I am using Rclone to backup my Onedrive account to my Synology NAS.

The Sync command runs fine, I then run a Rclone check every week which which gives a "sizes differ" error.

This only seems to affect photos uploaded using the Onedrive iPhone client on my phone, files added using the OneDrive Windows client are unaffected.

Confusingly I have the same setup to backup my Wife's Onedrive account, she also uses the iOS Onedrive client to upload photos, however rclone check does not lead to any "sizes differ" errors, when run on her account.

I wondered if anyone had ideas on how I can debug this further or resolve it?

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.58.1

  • os/version: unknown
  • os/kernel: 3.10.108 (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.17.9
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

OneDrive (Personal)

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone check "OneDrive:" "/volume2/OneDrive/" --config="/volume2/Local/Rclone/Rclone.conf" --one-way --size-only --log-file=/volume2/Local/Rclone/Rclone_Debug.txt --log-level INFO

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = onedrive
token = REDACTED
drive_id = REDACTED
drive_type = personal

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2022/06/13 13:56:32 INFO  : Using sha1 for hash comparisons
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220515_152649180_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_133848446_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220531_152406613_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_135158268_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_080946389_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_135213249_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_164209544_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_175449428_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220603_190335288_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220608_083424283_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220609_085904107_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220609_085912947_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220609_091400282_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220609_104446830_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_081012361_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220501_105802401_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_135014199_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220609_110047170_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220521_114148775_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_135052330_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_135021329_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220601_135202574_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:33 ERROR : Pictures/Camera Roll/20220610_191326754_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220306_141108685_iOS.jpg: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220409_195800672_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220411_175504595_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220413_183140349_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220415_142244769_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220226_171524152_iOS.jpg: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220226_171531236_iOS.jpg: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220306_150324319_iOS.jpg: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:34 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/20220408_225822587_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/FC/Flower_Bed/20220606_192524657_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/FC/Flower_Bed/20220606_192552205_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220414_182856098_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220321_145410074_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220415_131253862_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220321_205911478_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220317_191447931_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220322_163043765_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220506_165815310_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220410_171515953_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:56:40 ERROR : Pictures/2020-2029/2022/Tess/20220417_151855796_iOS.heic: Sizes differ
2022/06/13 13:57:32 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	          0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors:                43 (retrying may help)
Checks:             17082 / 17082, 100%
Elapsed time:       1m0.3s

2022/06/13 13:57:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /volume2/OneDrive/: 43 differences found
2022/06/13 13:57:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /volume2/OneDrive/: 43 errors while checking
2022/06/13 13:57:47 NOTICE: Local file system at /volume2/OneDrive/: 18475 matching files
2022/06/13 13:57:47 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	          0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors:                43 (retrying may help)
Checks:             18518 / 18518, 100%
Elapsed time:      1m14.6s

2022/06/13 13:57:47 Failed to check with 43 errors: last error was: 43 differences found

I'm pretty sure this is the same as this issue caused by a bug in onedrive:

Yes, it looks like a known OneDrive limitation with Live Photos from iOS. You can find some additional infomation here:

I work around the limitation by using --ignore-size when syncing and --download when checking. Please note that this workaround only syncs the still-picture not the movieclip - and it relies on modification dates being correctly updated.

I guess your wife has disabled Live Photos - or an old iPhone.

Thank you @ncw and @Ole.

That was the issue, since I am not that bothered about having live photos I have disabled it on my phone and no longer have sizes differ issue on new uploads.

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