OneDrive + Nextcloud

Hello rclone lovers :star_struck:.

I have plan to mount OneDrive Business (Unlimited) on my Nextcloud server and use it as "Data" dir for Nextcloud where all data of each user will be stored there.

I tested it, it works with 500 MB/s transfer speed (tested using "dd")

I will use it in our company for long term.Nextcloud users around 100 so far, but it will grow. I am just afraid that in the future my Microsoft account will be banned. Or is there no reason for that?

Has anyone already do the same?
Is there anything I should be concerned about besides all the limitations mentioned here: Microsoft OneDrive ?


If you tested your mount it is your local disk speed not Onedrive.

As long as you comply with Onedrive T&Cs there is nothing to worry. You can be banned if you store content infringing copyrights etc.

I suggest you also search the forum for "OneDrive throttling":

I typically see OneDrive upload/download speeds between 10 and 50 MB/s - and even less if transferring many small files.

More info on OneDrive speeds and throttling in the posts linked from this post.

Note: Similar limitations apply for other pay per GB services like Google Drive and Dropbox.

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After some research I decided to use Dropbox for this setup. Is there a best rclone setup for this scenario?

My NC Desktop & Mobile Client cant work. Is there any info about this?

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