No transfers happening between two remotes

The problem I'm having is really weird.

I'm trying to transfer data from one cloud storage (Wasabi) to another one (B2). I'm trying to achieve it by doing:

rclone sync wasabi:macbookpro-laptop/Backups/Pictures/ theB2:personal-backups-freddy/Pictures/ -v

The thing is, nothing happens.

I get this in return:

2020/05/17 09:06:32 INFO : B2 bucket personal-backups-freddy path Pictures: Waiting for checks to finish
2020/05/17 09:06:32 INFO : B2 bucket personal-backups-freddy path Pictures: Waiting for transfers to finish
2020/05/17 09:06:32 INFO : Waiting for deletions to finish
2020/05/17 09:06:32 INFO :
Transferred: 0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Elapsed time: 0.0s

There's almost 70GB of pictures there. The directory structure is something like Backups/Pictures/Dir1/Dir 12/Pic.jpg

Any ideas?


hello and welcome to the forum,

sync only copies file if there is a difference between the source and dest.
no difference, no copying.

can you post a snippet from these two commands

rclone ls theB2:personal-backups-freddy/Pictures/
rclone ls wasabi:macbookpro-laptop/Backups/Pictures/

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This has been very clarifying.

The sync command does not work for me as you point out. I'm glad I wrote on the forum, thanks a trillion.

cash or beer, your choice :upside_down_face:

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