No mount drive in server linux ubuntu

I can't mount the team drives or onedrive. when I run the "rclone mount drive: ~/gdrive" command, the cursor stays long on the flashing bottom line, as if it were in service. i've looked at the fdisk -l and nothing appears there.
Com o rclone consigo ver o conteudo dos drives, mas não sei o que fazer para montar. Pode até ser que tenha montado, mas tambem não sei localizar o ponto de montagem.

rclone v1.60.1

  • os/version: ubuntu 22.04 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 5.15.0-25-generic (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.19.3
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Google Drive and onedrive

rclone mount gdalv: ~/gdalv

rclone mount one: ~/one

Não sei localizar ou construir este log, desculpe sou muito novato.

hello and welcome to the forum,

try adding --allow-other

root@vxxxxxxxxxxx2:/# ls
bin downloads lib libx32 mnt root srv usr
boot etc lib32 lost+found opt run sys var
dev home lib64 media proc sbin tmp
root@xxxxxxxxxxx2:/# cd root
root@vxxxxxxxxxxx2:~# rclone mount gdalv: ~/gdalv --allow-other

and cursor gets parked

the same goes for onedrive

that is correct behavior, need to keep the command running for the mount to work

run the command with -vv and post the output

root@xxxxxxxx:~# rclone mount gdalv: ~/gdalv --allow-other -vv
2022/12/15 01:44:05 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.60.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "gdalv:" "/root/gdalv" "--allow-other" "-vv"]
2022/12/15 01:44:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdalv:"
2022/12/15 01:44:05 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2022/12/15 01:44:05 Fatal error: directory already mounted, use --allow-non-empty to mount anyway: /root/gdalv

check if you have another instance of rclone running in the background.

How can I see that?
I used the fusermount -u ~/gdalv
Is correct?
'm new

ps -aux | grep rclone

root@vxxxxx:~# ps -aux | grep rclone
root 6299 0.1 0.5 760996 45920 ? Sl Dec14 0:44 rclone mount gdalv:/Mídias /media/gdalv --allow-non-empty
root 6353 0.1 0.5 761508 47464 ? Sl Dec14 1:18 rclone --vfs-cache-mode writes mount one: /root/one
root 14117 0.0 0.0 9076 2152 pts/4 S+ 01:58 0:00 grep --color=auto rclone

--- you have two mounts already running,
so need to kill the mounts
killall rclone

--- should not use --allow-non-empty

--- let's pick just one mount to test with
does this basic command work
rclone ls gdalv:Mídias

root@xxxxxxxxxx:~# ps -aux | grep rclone
root 14179 0.0 0.0 9076 2308 pts/4 S+ 02:04 0:00 grep --color=auto rclone

this continues even after command "killall rclone"

rclone ls gdalv:Mídias ( i change yesterday, the new directory is "media" )

root@xxxxxxxxxx:~# rclone ls gdalv:midia
2022/12/15 02:09:00 Failed to ls: directory not found

rclone ls gdalv:media ====>>> is work!

that looks ok as no rclone mount
grep --color=auto rclone - just ignore that.

ok, run rclone mount using gdalv:media
do not use --allow-non-empty

rclone mount gdalv:media/midia ~/gdalv

i change a little in 2º attemp

root@xxxxxxxx:~# rclone mount gdalv: ~/gdalv --allow-other -vv
2022/12/15 02:34:33 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.60.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "mount" "gdalv:" "/root/gdalv" "--allow-other" "-vv"]
2022/12/15 02:34:33 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdalv:"
2022/12/15 02:34:33 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2022/12/15 02:34:35 DEBUG : Google drive root '': Mounting on "/root/gdalv"
2022/12/15 02:34:35 DEBUG : : Root:
2022/12/15 02:34:35 DEBUG : : >Root: node=/, err=
2022/12/15 02:35:35 DEBUG : Google drive root '': Checking for changes on remote
2022/12/15 02:36:35 DEBUG : Google drive root '': Checking for changes on remote
2022/12/15 02:37:35 DEBUG : Google drive root '': Checking for changes on remote

that looks ok.

so what is the problem now?

Where do I ride the drive, why can't I find him?

so try ls /root/gdalv

root@vmi1123212:~# ls /root/gdalv
B-position-left-42 position-middle-79-y-
b-position-left-62 position-middle-7A-z-
C-position-left-43 position-middle-7B-{-
c-position-left-63 'position-middle-7C-|-'
D-position-left-44 position-middle-7D-}-
d-position-left-64 position-middle-7E-~-
E-position-left-45 position-middle-7F-␡-
e-position-left-65 'position-middle-BF-'$'\277''-'
f-position-left-66 position-middle-C2A0- -
g-position-left-67 position-middle-EFBCBC-\-
h-position-left-68 'position-middle-FE-'$'\376''-'
i-position-left-69 position-right-01-␁
j-position-left-6A position-right-42-B
k-position-left-6B position-right-62-b
l-position-left-6C position-right-63-c
media position-right-64-d
m-position-left-6D position-right-65-e
n-position-left-6E position-right-66-f
o-position-left-6F position-right-67-g
␁-position-left-01 position-right-68-h
{-position-left-7B position-right-69-i
'|-position-left-7C' position-right-6A-j
}-position-left-7D position-right-6B-k
'~-position-left-7E' position-right-6C-l
␡-position-left-7F position-right-6D-m
''$'\277''-position-left-BF' position-right-6E-n
-position-left-C2A0 position-right-6F-o
\-position-left-EFBCBC position-right-70-p
''$'\376''-position-left-FE' position-right-71-q
position-middle-01-␁- position-right-72-r
position-middle-42-B- position-right-73-s
position-middle-43-C- position-right-74-t
position-middle-44-D- position-right-75-u
position-middle-45-E- position-right-76-v
position-middle-52-R- position-right-77-w
position-middle-62-b- position-right-78-x
position-middle-63-c- position-right-79-y
position-middle-64-d- position-right-7A-z
position-middle-65-e- position-right-7B-{
position-middle-66-f- 'position-right-7C-|'
position-middle-67-g- position-right-7D-}
position-middle-68-h- position-right-7E-~
position-middle-69-i- position-right-7F-␡
position-middle-6A-j- position-right-C2A0-
position-middle-6B-k- position-right-EFBCBC-\
position-middle-6C-l- 'position-right-FE-'$'\376'
position-middle-6D-m- p-position-left-70
position-middle-6E-n- q-position-left-71
position-middle-6F-o- R-position-left-52
position-middle-70-p- r-position-left-72
position-middle-71-q- s-position-left-73
position-middle-72-r- t-position-left-74
position-middle-73-s- u-position-left-75
position-middle-74-t- v-position-left-76
position-middle-75-u- w-position-left-77
position-middle-76-v- x-position-left-78
position-middle-77-w- y-position-left-79
position-middle-78-x- z-position-left-7A
Ok, but I'm still lost because I wanted to see this folder on jellyfin, and there does not appear in /root, I have to use another program? I'm sorry for the naivety, because besides beginner, I have to think what to say and convert to English, I'm very lost, if I could use a container more and not need it Would be happy, because in pure linux I've already doneI'm sorry for the naivety, because besides beginner, I have to think what to say and convert to English, I'm very lost, if I could use a container more and not need it Would be happy, because in pure linux I've already done.

mas vejo que está funcionando

Vi que montei a pasta no lugar errado, agora está ok