Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.
This is not config related.
A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag
I don't have log output
Hello, everyone. Especially @kapitansky.
Please give me a small piece of advice - Microsoft has changed how Azure works and they don't allow anymore adding applications that are not attached to some directory. Messing with directories requires an Azure account - PAYG or some other variety.
Just 2 questions, please confirm - I believe the use of directory service (is it Entra now?), at least as related to generating ClientIDs for use with Rclone, falls under the 65+ always free services.
If I have multiple OneDrive accounts (you know how many you can get with Office 365 Family) - can I generate ClientIDs for all of them using a single Azure account or I need a separate Azure account for each OneDrive I am using?
I do not have answers - yet - I am afraid. Interested as you how it works now.
Let’s see. Maybe other onedrive users can shed some light here.
I would not mind creating Azure PAYG account - at the end if used only for client id creation it should stay free forever I think. The biggest question is whether multiple client id for multiple Onedrive accounts can be created. Creating multiple Azure accounts can be very difficult as they need unique personal details and phone number.
I tried and found out that one Azure account is enough. I had one Azure account, MS Entra Admin Center is a part of it. I created an additional Client ID and it worked. The moment you create a Client ID it is not linked to anything, as I understand. So, when you use it once with an application like Rclone it gets tied to the target service, in our case Onedrive remote.
At least I was able to configure a Onedrive remote, when adding it I pasted the generated ID and secret and then generated the token and remote configuration completed without warnings and errors.
IMO yes. This is what rclone is doing by default... all rclone users (with different accounts) use the same client id. Unless they configure their own.
But then of course they all share whatever quotas and limits imposed by Microsoft.
Which is exactly why unique client id per account is recommended when maximum performance is needed.
Hello, everyone. I have to retract what I stated yesterday. Adding a remote works, however as my tests show - there is a connection between the Microsoft Account -> Azure Account -> ClientID/Secret. So, even if a remote gets created without warnings the sync/copy routine will not work if the Client ID was created under an Azure account linked to a Microsoft Account which does not own your OneDrive.
The errors I see in the log file:
createUploadSession": couldn't fetch token: unauthorized_client: if you're using your own client id/secret, make sure they're properly set up following the docs