Multiple users writing the same files on the same storage

I'm sure this is not the first time this has been asked (this might be similar ). Maybe I even started a similar convo myself before. But , strategically, I need to figure out a solution that will allow multiple users to have write access the same 'rclone mount' share at the same time. Administratively, I need to set "permissions" that will decide the "winner" in case of "collisions". IOW each file should have an "owner". If anyone but the owner writes to it, the write is saved as a copy instead and labeled with the name of the creator.

I'm sure there will be more wrinkles, but that's the basic idea. If it's outside the scope of rclone, so be it. But the demand in my neck of the woods is so high that I need to figure it out.

Thanks so much in advance


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what do you mean by write?
and what is doing the writing, like a text editor?

do you know about --backup-dir and --suffix

what do you mean by write ?
and what is doing the writing, like a text editor?

No, filesystem write. Any file format, any software

what do you mean by share? smb/samba, nfs or what?

so you would use rclone mount?

I might be able to get away with --backup-dir and --sufix. I'll have to think about it. Mostly, I have to decide if it's sufficiently performant, or if I actually have to mess with winfsp source.

Yes, correct, from a mount. I should have been clearer in OP. Edited OP to reflect.

and what does the mount point to, gdrive, aws or what?

s3. idrive to be specific.

But, I think a "proper" solution would be agnostic about the "target". IOW if you can't tell from Windows Explorer what the backend is, why should it matter?