Multiple errors when syncing from local (ext4) to B2 (encrypted)

I have a relatively normal filesystem (100GB of files to sync, around 500K files), and have been using rclone to sync to Backblaze B2 (encrypted according to the very good documentation on the site).

The error log I receive is as follows:
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../58f81f2ec8a05e18: Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.163µs, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../58f81f2ec8a05e18: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../ Size and modification time the same (differ by -441.487µs, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../ Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f/40ddf1d4b49e00141502967fba3c165c: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f/40ddf1d4b49e00141502967fba3c165c: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f/f0eb15ef95bb00141f9eb25cf2296951: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f/f0eb15ef95bb00141f9eb25cf2296951: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../64df4a8936ccd202a3bd8: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../64df4a8936ccd202a3bd8: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../ Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../ Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f5/40d5bdba466800141b94d284d3677280: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f5/40d5bdba466800141b94d284d3677280: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f8/002918d5456800141b94d284d3677280: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/f8/002918d5456800141b94d284d3677280: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/fa/f0b303666dcb00141696a9aa5c11cdb9: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 DEBUG : Dropbox/..../sources/.history/fa/f0b303666dcb00141696a9aa5c11cdb9: Unchanged skipping
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 INFO  : Encrypted drive 'my-b20-bucket-encrypted:': Waiting for checks to finish
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 INFO  : Encrypted drive 'my-b20-bucket-encrypted:': Waiting for transfers to finish
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 ERROR : Encrypted drive 'my-b20-bucket-encrypted:': not deleting files as there were IO errors
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 ERROR : Encrypted drive 'my-b20-bucket-encrypted:': not deleting directories as there were IO errors
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 2 errors and: Post https://[my-pod-url] can't copy - source file is being updated (size changed from 839713 to 840120)
    2018/05/29 18:34:47 Failed to sync: Post https://[my-pod-url] can't copy - source file is being updated (size changed from 839713 to 840120)

I’m starting rclone from the commandline as follows:
rclone sync -vvv --stats 10s //home/joshua/ my-b20-bucket-encrypted: --exclude [lots of exclusions] --max-size 100M --dump filters

Version information is as follows:

rclone v1.41
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.10.1

I’m absolutely sure that nothing else is interfering with my encrypted bucket - there’s only the singular rclone instance communicating with it at any time. This error has been reproducible through several (5+) executions of the program (although the program will fail at different points - the files at which it fails will be different). My internet connection is stable (ethernet), 20mbit upload speed.

If anyone has any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong, that’d be great. Thanks!

If you look earlier in the log you will see an ERROR saying which file. If I had to guess I would say you are saving the log of the sync to the directory that is being synced. If that is the case then exclude that file with --exclude /rclone.log assuming you’ve saved it to rclone.log at the root of the synced directory.