Move big files between clouds

Hi all.
I have a VPS with 10GB of disk space.
I need to move a 20GB file from one cloud (Google Drive) to another ( I'm getting a full disk error. How can I solve it? How to avoid using my VPS disk and do all tasks "on the fly"?
Tried: --vfs-cache-mode off but no success.
Thank you.

welcome to the forum,

correct, rclone needs the cache when writing files.

try rclone copy, which does not use a cache

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First, thanks for fast reply! =)

Didn't work. It keeps using disk space from my VPS.
Both mounted with --vfs-cache-mode off
Command that I'm using: rclone.exe copy f:\file.rar g:\ -P -vv

looks like, you are still using the mount as a middle man.

please post the output of

  • rclone version
  • rclone config redacted
  • rclone.exe copy f:\file.rar g:\ -P -vv
  • how many mount commands are you running at the same time?
  • for each rclone mount command, top 20 lines of a debug log.
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I've found this and tried with WebDAV and Google Drive and it was not using my disk space. Seems to be a way to Mega works and it's impossible to avoid.

not sure what you mean?

No, no... sorry for the misunderstanding.
I was using Google Drive to send files to Mega. It was using my disk space for some reason.
Then I found that post and changed and tried to send from WebDAV (not Mega WebDAV) to Google Drive. Now it's not using my disk space.

nice, a change of direction.

Thanks for the efforts, bro! :slightly_smiling_face:

Something that might help: I used Rclone to mount Mega and GD drives and transfered using Megatools (a client for Mega) to avoid disk writing during transfers. It's available for Windows and Linux.

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