Mountpoint "X:" didn't became available on mount (Windows 10)

Do you think it is worth writing how to do this up in the rclone wiki

I am sorry that it doesn't completely solved the issue, but at least it makes the problem happen much less.

I do believe it's worthwhile mentioning that we can use nssm to start rclone as a service on Windows. Instruction of using nssm can be found at: NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager.
The forum discussion is at: Installing rclone mount on Windows as service? - #2 by spicypixel.
The current instruction on the "rclone mount" page that "It is also possible to start a drive from the SYSTEM account (using the WinFsp.Launcher infrastructure) " doesn't seem to work for me when I tried WinFsp. Perhaps I simply didn't configure WinFsp correctly because of lack of instructions, or it might be just be on the roadmap of WinFsp.Launcher infrastructure?

Thank you for all your help! I will continue to try and monitor and report back if I find out more!