Mounting Rclone on Shared Server - Plex Can't See Files

Using some previous threads as a guide, I mounted Amazon Cloud Drive with Rclone and I can see the files in terminal. I even decrypted one of my folders, and can see those files as well. Unfortunately, Plex cannot see anything from ACD. When choosing the acd folder, it is just blank. Plex can read my local files just fine.
If anyone has any advice on making these visible, please let me know. I do NOT have root access.

Here is the command I used:

rclone mount --allow-other --max-read-ahead 14G --acd-templink-threshold 0 acd:/ /home27/plex/files/mounts/acd/

Here are the permissions that show up when I list the folders:

drwxrwxrwx 3 plex plex 4.0K Dec 16 04:24 .
drwxrwxrw- 6 plex plex 4.0K Dec 15 20:45 …
drwxr-xr-x 1 plex plex 0 Dec 16 04:27 acd

Here is the folder it is nested in (mounts), which I did a chmod 777 as I was getting desperate:

drwxrwxrw- 6 plex plex 4.0K Dec 15 20:45 .
drwxr-x— 36 plex plex 4.0K Dec 16 01:33 …
drwxr-xr-x 5 plex plex 4.0K Dec 14 20:56 downloads
drwxrwxrwx 2 plex plex 4.0K Dec 15 03:10 fusedmedia
-rwxr-xr-x 1 plex plex 0 Dec 9 04:04 .gitkeep
drwxrwxr-x 7 plex plex 4.0K Dec 14 22:55 media
drwxrwxrwx 3 plex plex 4.0K Dec 16 04:24 mounts
-rw------- 1 plex plex 1.4K Dec 6 05:29 .rclone.conf

--allow-other is the correct option, but you can only use it if allowed to in /etc/fuse.conf:

# Allow non-root users to specify the allow_other or allow_root mount options.


I checked the file and it does have ‘user_allow_other’ in it. I have had the same problem with acd_cli, to which the company says the actual switch needed is “allow-root”, but that didn’t fix the problem - still a blank folder. For Rclone, that is not enabled in the file, so I will ask them if they can add it and try again.

There’s probably a better way to fix your problem, but might I suggest you attempt to create a folder and mount to /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/mountfolder ?

Mounting inside of Plex’s home directory usually does the trick.

Are you trying to do this on Ultraseedbox?

If you are, I ran into the same issue. Their Plex Media Server is running in a Docker and likely running on a different user resulting in permission issues. They might be to resolve it if you put in a ticket. I didn’t bother having it fixed and switched to another provider.

Thanks all!

It seems they only support acd_cli, so that is what I am having to use :thumbsdown: - or am I just using the wrong language?
I can’t use --allow-root, but with acd_cli and unionfs-fuse, I am able to type ‘-o allow_root’. What is the difference?

plex@lw701:~/files$ rclone mount --allow-root acd:/ ~/files/test/
2016/12/19 20:17:23 mount helper error: fusermount: mount failed: Invalid argument
2016/12/19 20:17:23 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

Those are the same thing.

I have the same issue. My containers can’t see the mounts, and while --allow-other works it doesn’t let the containers see the mounts. When I try to use --allow-root it gives the same errors as above:

$ rclone mount amz: /home/user/dir --allow-root & 2017/01/21 13:41:56 mount helper error: fusermount: mount failed: Invalid argument 2017/01/21 13:41:56 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

Using fuse 2.9.4-1ubuntu3.1 and rclone v1.35-DEV

I was unable to get it working on that particular system, so I stayed with acd_cli. On all my other systems, rclone is working fine. It all boils down to a permissions issue, I think, and it’s not worth fighting. :slight_smile:

stopping plex then running mount fixed this form me.