macOS Catalina and Fuse Mount error

And what should I do now? :confused:

Use you mounted remote? Is something not working?

Yes. I restarted my mac and start to run rclone again.

alex@Alex-MacBook-Air data % sudo rclone mount -v onedrive_remote:/Movies/ /System/Volumes/Data/Movies_OD/
sudo: setrlimit(8): Invalid argument
2020/04/06 22:27:30 Fatal error: Directory is not empty: /System/Volumes/Data/Movies_OD/ If you want to mount it anyway use: --allow-non-empty option

Here mac os asked allow to server disk.
alex@Alex-MacBook-Air data % sudo rclone mount --allow-non-empty -v onedrive_remote:/Movies/ /System/Volumes/Data/Movies_OD/
sudo: setrlimit(8): Invalid argument
2020/04/06 22:28:29 mount helper error: mount_osxfuse: mount point /System/Volumes/Data/Movies_OD is itself on a OSXFUSE volume
2020/04/06 22:28:29 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: mount_osxfusefs: exit status 64
alex@Alex-MacBook-Air data %

And nothing else

As I had mentioned above, you want to make sure the directory is empty. If you are going to use allow-non-emtpy, things are not going to go well for you.

If you keep over mounting, things are going to be confusing.

Make sure directory is empty you are mounting to.
Run the rclone mount command.

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