Hello guys ,
I am using rclone on catalina with mount ==> OneDrive ==> works Fine.
But , In my other mac which run big Sur 11.1 I try the same mount
against the same OneDrive I get an error how look like this :
koby@Kobys-Mac-mini ~ %
koby@Kobys-Mac-mini ~ % rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full OneDrive: MksoftOneDrive
2021/01/17 11:19:17 NOTICE: macOS users: please try "rclone cmount" as it will be the default in v1.54
2021/01/17 11:19:17 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: cannot locate OSXFUSE
My work Spec:
Old Mac ==> Catalina 10.15 (Intel / python 3.8 /Fuse ==> Can't find the version)
New Mac ==> Big Sur (11.1) (Apple M1 / python 3.9.1 / Fuse Ver 4.05)
On both mac I'm using Rclone Ver 1.53.3
Fuse Ver 4.0.5 does exist on new mac mac.
Yes, that's what I linked as it's auto install the ARM version, which I believed did not have the CMOUNT compiled into it as there isn't a native new mac version yet:
It is possible to build an ARM rclone which runs with Apple M1, but it requires the beta version of the Go compiler.
For the time being I'd suggest using the AMD64 version which I think works OK.
Note that the version of rclone from brew doesn't have cmount so you'll need the version of rclone from rclone.org for that.
I don't have a mac to test with unfortunately, though my daughter has one on order and maybe (if I ask really nicely) she will lend it to me for a few hours (unlikely, but you never know!).
Right - I linked the version MacOS AMD64 version, which I thought would have cmount compiled into it, but based on the version check (looks right to me), there doesn't seem to be CMOUNT or is that the wrong one installed?
Hello Guys ,
Finally good news.
I manage to enable it to work.
I install from rclone.org. install it manually by copying the rclone to Rclone Directory , Tested with "cmount" and it does work.
I do need to find why it is need to be run as ./rclone.
But It is working - was needed to do restart to enable the Systems Extension on the recovery mode + one restart.
The curl install ==> did not work.
Thank you all guys.
That is saying run the command from your current working directory.
Most binaries get install in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
If you've been mixing versions and installs, you probably want to do something like:
find / -name rclone
and see where it is and remove old/wrong/bad versions.
That's because it grabs the ARM version which isn't compiled for CMOUNT as the M1s are not 'officially' supported yet until that issue above gets resolved so it runs in compatibility mode.
Yep, I have more be more clear in validating things as I can see a few question I could have worded better to make sure the right binary was being executed.
Hi , There any options avail for Mac Big Sug users,
I ask that because no other solution is working as expected so far.
Even not the default "Microsoft OneDrive".
I also tried to remove the newest Fuse Ver 4.0.5 and installed the Ver 3.11.2.
On each one of them no success so far.
I think the all echo systems which name MacOs Ver 11.1 is not cooked enough.
That is my filling , since on Mac Os Cataline 10.15 every thing is working great and very stable. If I Could install on my M1 mac Catralina....