Hi, Im new here,
I'm trying to use rclone on my go code and I'm just find one way to use rclone in my code is librclone
and i copy file from my local to google drive and its worked
defer librclone.Finalize()
syncRequest := struct {
SrcFs string `json:"srcFs"`
DstFs string `json:"dstFs"`
SrcFs: "./deneme",
DstFs: "gDrive:denemeDrive/",
syncRequestJSON, err := json.Marshal(syncRequest)
if err != nil {
out, status := librclone.RPC("sync/copy", string(syncRequestJSON))
fmt.Printf("Got status: %d and output: %q\n", status, out)
but i wanna list my folder in my drive
on command its rclone lsd gDrive:
but in go lang
I'm not find method for lsd (list file)
not: Is there a document somewhere with all the methods?