Low Upload Speed and Progress

Using Rclone + Rclone Browser.
First issue is ''Spikey" upload (in other app’s its fine only in Rclone its buggy)

Plus i dont have that green output stripes.Why?
I try leave checkbox ‘‘verbose’’ empty but it’s don’t help too.

Maybe something wrong in upload settings?
I try default one and modified like this…

BTW upload to Google Team Drive.

What version of rclone are you running?
Did you make your own Client ID/API Key?

For Google Drive, you can only dow 10 transactions per second and 3 files per second created so having those settings would make things insanely slow so I’d say to bump them down.

Are you moving a lot of big files or a bunch of little files?

Last versions.
Don’t understand about API…Sorry, what i need to find out?
Uploading different types of files…small and large and its not Google limitations i’m think.

Yo, i get the API - what’s next?

i goes i figure it out. but what "scope’’?

Value “scope” = “drive”


LOL. After creating API and set it in config nothing work’s now :joy::rofl:

Delete remote, start new one. Set the different upload cutoff’s but its still low and spikey upload.

If you are doing a lot of small files, Google only creates about 3 files per second so you’d see better performance zipping things up. I’m not sure what your use case is as to what you are trying to accomplish.

As I noted above, you only get 10 transactions per second and your settings, you have 32 transfers and 16 checkers so things are going to be awful.

How do i should set my uploading settings better to achieve best performance?

Depends on your use case, maybe start with 5 transfers 5 checkers and see how things go.

There is a sweet spot based on small files vs large files vs errors in your logs.

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