Lot of error when i sync my data

I use the latest stable release, but i got a lot of errror, if i try to synchronize my Amazon.us and Amazon.de account.

I do this some days ago, and i get only 4 error (all file is 709) but now, it generate 317 (!!) error and it not finish yet…

The only change that now set 1024 bit password/passphrases. (the last sync, i used own password/passphrases)

(I use ACD with crypt)

the files average size is 1-2 Gb and 8-15 Gb

I use the same provider (scaleway) to sync my data.

The error (all files):

  Failed to copy: Post https://content-eu.drive.amazonaws.com/cdproxy/nodes?suppress=deduplication: remote error: tls: bad record MAC

I am in the exact same situation. I am a server at scaleway trying to sync to my amazon us account. Everything works fine when I sync to my google drive account.

rclone command. using crypt

rclone copy --log-file=/docker/logs/sonarr/acd.log /docker/local/TV eacd:TV -vv --config=/docker/containers/sonarr/config/.rclone.conf

the main error I see, which happens before the upload even starts:

2017/03/23 01:32:03 DEBUG : Supergirl/Season 2/Supergirl.S02E16.Star-Crossed (1).WEBDL-720p.mkv: Upload error detected but didn't finish upload: Post https://content-na.drive.amazonaws.com/cdproxy/nodes?suppress=deduplication: remote error: tls: bad record MAC ("HTTP status UNKNOWN")



Well, i think, solve the problem.

I change my Scalway from Cloud to bare metal. Now i successfull sync 709 files (amazon_us --> amazon.de) only 2 error. (2 error files only resync automatically, second times it was sync without error)

I use this sync script, with “repeat every 1 min” Cron.

#Exit script if its already running
if pidof -o %PPID -x "$0"; then
        exit 1
# Copy ACD_US with ACD DE
/usr/bin/rclone sync Secret_us: Secret_de: -v --log-file=/root/log/sync_log