Lookout for more OneDrive issues in future?

I marked this "off topic" since it's just speculation.

OneDrive for Business (aka "Sharepoint") users may have noticed that Sharepoint can break files; abraunegg (the creator of the Unix OneDrive app that acts close to the Windows app) noticed this back in 2018; the file size of the newly uploaded file may not match the original file 'cos Microsoft can change it (adding tags). Microsoft say "this is expected behaviour". Sharepoint / O365: Session uploaded file size reported by MS Graph does not equal local file size · Issue #935 · OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs · GitHub

Now we're seeing OneDrive Personal accounts being migrated to infrastructure that appears to be more closely related to OneDrive Business; e.g. I already hit _vti_ as breaking things. I wonder if we're going to see more SharePoint brokenness affecting files.

I have noticed quite a lot of weird behaviour with OneDrive Personal starting about half a year ago (maybe a bit more). For sure at the moment there are two different flavours of them. They differ not only by their web UI (small differences, nothing major but clearly shows two different UI versions) but also by functionality. Different mtime accuracy, different rclone about behaviour indicating some API differences which has serious implications for rclone union.

And now as you noticed even more is coming:) Hopefully rclone can stay on top of it. So far there is workaround for every MS weirdness.