Looking for help with --backup-dir

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

backup-dir not working for some commands

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.53.3

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.15.5

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Debian Buster
Linux myserver 5.4.78-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.4.78-2 (Thu, 03 Dec 2020 14:26:17 +0100) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

crypt on gdrive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

--backup-dir works here

rclone copy --drive-chunk-size=512M --max-age=25h --no-traverse --backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"` /mnt/volume2/nextcloud/ encrypted_daily:/nextcloud/ -vv

--backup-dir does not work here

rclone copy --drive-chunk-size=512M --max-age=25h --no-traverse --backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"` /mnt/volume2/vm_backups/ encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/ -vv

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = myclientid.apps.googleusercontent.com
client_secret = myclientsecret
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"mytoken","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"myrefreshtoken","expiry":"expirydate"}

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:encrypted_daily
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = mypassword
password2 = mypassword2

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : --max-age 1.0416666666666667d to 2021-01-16 15:31:04.082749981 -0700 MST m=-89999.972029374
2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.3" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "--drive-chunk-size=512M" "--max-age=25h" "--no-traverse" "--backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/2021-01-17-16:31:04" "/mnt/volume2/vm_backups/" "encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/" "-vv"]
2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/mnt/volume2/vm_backups/"
2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/"
2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypted_daily/redacted"
2021/01/17 16:31:04 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted_daily/redacted': root_folder_id = "redacted" - save this in the config to speed up startup
2021/01/17 16:31:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/2021-01-17-16:31:04"
2021/01/17 16:31:05 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypted_daily/redacted/redacted"
2021/01/17 16:31:05 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted_daily/redacted/redacted': root_folder_id = "redacted" - save this in the config to speed up startup
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/._.DS_Store: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/._.DS_Store: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2020_12_04-04_22_53.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_14-00_00_02.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_13-00_00_03.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-240-2020_03_08-10_25_09.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_02-22_07_57.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_02-20_03_00.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_02-20_00_03.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_02-20_03_00.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_09-22_06_08.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_02-20_41_08.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_02-21_11_44.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_09-20_02_55.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_02-20_00_03.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_02-21_11_44.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_09-21_10_37.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-149-2020_07_10-11_08_43.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/pfsense-vzdump-qemu-100-2019_10_24-00_00_01.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_16-00_00_02.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_15-00_00_02.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_16-00_00_02.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_14-00_00_02.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_12-00_00_02.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_13-00_00_03.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_12-00_00_02.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_15-00_00_02.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_02-22_14_18.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_09-20_11_07.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_09-20_00_02.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_09-20_39_58.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_02-20_11_21.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_16_47.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_09-22_12_29.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_02-22_14_18.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_09-21_10_37.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_02-20_11_21.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_09-20_11_07.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_09-20_02_55.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_09-22_12_29.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2019_11_20-17_14_10.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-182-2019_12_07-13_44_39.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-175-2019_10_25-08_29_12.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : test/dump/prowl-vzdump-qemu-140-2020_10_03-20_00_02.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_02-20_41_08.log: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_09-20_00_02.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_02-22_07_57.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_09-22_06_08.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:06 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_09-20_39_58.vma.gz: Excluded
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_07.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.172µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_07.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_48.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -479.828µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -101.537µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-10_43_29.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -264.835µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -109.8µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-10_43_29.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:09 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_48.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -973.414µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -591.484µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/': Waiting for checks to finish
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -618.143µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -884.8µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -865.881µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -871.688µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -916.898µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -891.134µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -894.169µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -968.928µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -153.08µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -892.06µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -870.059µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.788µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 16:31:11 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.log: Unchanged skipping

My thinking is it might have something to do with:

Size and modification time the same (differ by -41.172µs, within tolerance 1ms)

Is it possible to prevent this?

hello and welcome to the forum,

the command in the log is different then the two commands you posted in the problem section of the post.

what exactly is not working?

Oops. Copy paste error. I've fixed the commands in the first post.

The issue I'm having is when I run:

rclone copy --drive-chunk-size=512M --max-age=25h --no-traverse --backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"` /mnt/volume2/vm_backups/ encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/ -vv

Deleted files are not moved to rclone_trash which they should given the

--backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"`

and i get the output that you see in the first post.

When I run

rclone copy --drive-chunk-size=512M --max-age=25h --no-traverse --backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"` /mnt/volume2/nextcloud/ encrypted_daily:/nextcloud/ -vv

Deleted files are moved as expected.

might try to tweak this

That didn't help.

My goal is to simply have the folders the same local <-> remote and when I delete a file locally that it will move on the remote to encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T".

Weather I use sync or copy I'm not getting the desired result.

sorry, i guess i am not understanding.

let's say that there is a file named file.txt in the local and in the cloud.
and then you delete the local file.txt

a rclone sync will move that cloud file from



encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"`

That's my goal. But not the outcome I'm getting.

I've also tried

rclone sync --tpslimit=3 --transfers=3 --checkers=3 --drive-chunk-size=512M --backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"` /mnt/volume2/vm_backups/ encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/ -vv

and the files that have been deleted locally are not moved to the rclone_trash.

When I run either the copy or sync version and use the --dry-run i get the following at the end:

2021/01/17 17:44:11 DEBUG : Waiting for deletions to finish
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_11-00_00_02.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2020_12_26-22_12_10.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_07-00_00_02.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_10-00_00_02.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_34_23.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_34_23.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2020_12_26-20_39_49.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2020_12_26-20_10_56.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2020_12_26-20_39_49.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2020_12_26-21_10_04.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2020_12_26-22_12_10.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2020_12_26-21_10_04.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_07-00_00_02.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2020_12_26-20_10_56.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2020_12_26-22_05_44.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_08-00_00_02.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_08-00_00_02.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2020_12_26-20_02_44.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_09-00_00_02.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_10-00_00_02.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2020_12_26-20_02_44.vma.gz: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_09-00_00_02.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_11-00_00_02.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set
2021/01/17 17:44:11 NOTICE: weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2020_12_26-22_05_44.log: Skipped move into backup dir as --dry-run is set

But run run without dry-run it doesn't actually move them. Also not sure what deletions it's waiting to finish.

that log snippet looks ok to me.

re-run that same sync command without --dry-run and post the entire log, not just a partial snippet.

better yet, use a rclone debug log file

Well. I guess I need to switch to only using sync because that worked.

root@myserver:~/scripts# rclone sync --tpslimit=3 --transfers=3 --checkers=3 --drive-chunk-size=512M --backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T"` /mnt/volume2/vm_backups/ encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/ -vv
2021/01/17 17:51:52 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.3" starting with parameters ["rclone" "sync" "--tpslimit=3" "--transfers=3" "--checkers=3" "--drive-chunk-size=512M" "--backup-dir=encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/2021-01-17-17:51:52" "/mnt/volume2/vm_backups/" "encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/" "-vv"]
2021/01/17 17:51:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/mnt/volume2/vm_backups/"
2021/01/17 17:51:52 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2021/01/17 17:51:52 INFO  : Starting HTTP transaction limiter: max 3 transactions/s with burst 1
2021/01/17 17:51:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/"
2021/01/17 17:51:52 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypted_daily/redacted"
2021/01/17 17:51:53 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted_daily/redacted': root_folder_id = "redacted" - save this in the config to speed up startup
2021/01/17 17:51:54 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "encrypted_daily:rlcone_trash/2021-01-17-17:51:52"
2021/01/17 17:51:55 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypted_daily/redacted/redacted"
2021/01/17 17:51:55 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted_daily/redacted/redacted': root_folder_id = "redacted" - save this in the config to speed up startup
2021/01/17 17:51:59 DEBUG : test/._.DS_Store: Size and modification time the same (differ by -863.026µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:51:59 DEBUG : test/._.DS_Store: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:51:59 DEBUG : daily/._.DS_Store: Size and modification time the same (differ by -959.356µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:51:59 DEBUG : daily/._.DS_Store: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_16_47.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -775.52µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_16_47.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_02-20_00_03.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -836.576µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_02-20_00_03.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_02-20_00_03.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -823.333µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_02-20_00_03.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -968.928µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -973.414µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_16-20_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_02-20_03_00.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -563.071µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_02-20_03_00.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_02-20_03_00.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -578.933µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_02-20_03_00.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_09-20_02_55.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -686.497µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_09-20_02_55.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_09-20_02_55.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -689.869µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_09-20_02_55.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -151.788µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_09-20_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -694.153µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_09-20_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_09-20_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -690.686µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2021_01_09-20_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_02-20_11_21.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -474.766µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_02-20_11_21.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_09-20_11_07.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -780.511µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_09-20_11_07.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_09-20_11_07.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -818.765µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_09-20_11_07.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -591.484µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_02-20_11_21.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -505.506µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_02-20_11_21.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_02-20_41_08.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -266.936µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_02-20_41_08.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_02-20_41_08.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.595µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_02-20_41_08.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_09-20_39_58.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -233.398µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_09-20_39_58.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_09-20_39_58.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -273.609µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_09-20_39_58.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -870.059µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -153.08µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2021_01_16-20_02_59.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -618.143µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2021_01_16-20_11_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -892.06µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_02-21_11_44.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -252.708µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_02-21_11_44.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -276.544µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_02-21_11_44.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_09-21_10_37.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -251.661µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_09-21_10_37.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_09-21_10_37.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -284.664µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_09-21_10_37.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -884.8µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -916.898µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_16-21_09_46.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_02-22_07_57.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -398.283µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_02-22_07_57.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_02-22_07_57.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -403.686µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_02-22_07_57.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_09-22_06_08.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -997.553µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_09-22_06_08.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2021_01_02-21_11_44.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -865.881µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -871.688µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_16-22_05_19.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_02-22_14_18.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -439.166µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_02-22_14_18.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2021_01_16-20_39_42.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_09-22_12_29.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -924.737µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_09-22_12_29.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_09-22_12_29.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -929.317µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_09-22_12_29.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_09-22_06_08.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -6.396µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -891.134µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -894.169µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_16-22_11_37.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2021_01_09-22_06_08.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_02-22_14_18.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -453.94µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2021_01_02-22_14_18.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/pfsense-vzdump-qemu-100-2019_10_24-00_00_01.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/pfsense-vzdump-qemu-100-2019_10_24-00_00_01.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2019_11_20-17_14_10.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-149-2020_07_10-11_08_43.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -295.967µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/prowl-vzdump-qemu-140-2020_10_03-20_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/prowl-vzdump-qemu-140-2020_10_03-20_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-175-2019_10_25-08_29_12.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-175-2019_10_25-08_29_12.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-182-2019_12_07-13_44_39.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -634.688µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-182-2019_12_07-13_44_39.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-240-2020_03_08-10_25_09.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -363.04µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-240-2020_03_08-10_25_09.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2019_11_20-17_14_10.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : test/dump/vzdump-qemu-149-2020_07_10-11_08_43.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2020_12_04-04_22_53.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -801.552µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_12-00_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -251.125µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_12-00_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_12-00_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -258.977µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2020_12_04-04_22_53.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_13-00_00_03.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -764.15µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_12-00_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/': Waiting for checks to finish
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_13-00_00_03.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -781.651µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_13-00_00_03.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_14-00_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -588.368µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_14-00_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_15-00_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -913.786µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_14-00_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -585.012µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_14-00_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_15-00_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -918.023µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_15-00_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_16-00_00_02.log: Size and modification time the same (differ by -364.608µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_16-00_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_16-00_00_02.vma.gz: Size and modification time the same (differ by -375.333µs, within tolerance 1ms)
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_16-00_00_02.vma.gz: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_13-00_00_03.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_15-00_00_02.log: Unchanged skipping
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'encrypted_daily:/vm_backups/': Waiting for transfers to finish
2021/01/17 17:52:00 DEBUG : Waiting for deletions to finish
2021/01/17 17:52:07 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2020_12_26-20_10_56.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:07 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2020_12_26-20_10_56.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:11 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_10-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:11 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_10-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:12 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2020_12_26-20_39_49.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:12 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2020_12_26-20_39_49.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:12 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2020_12_26-22_05_44.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:12 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2020_12_26-22_05_44.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:13 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-10_43_29.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:13 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-10_43_29.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:13 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_34_23.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:13 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_34_23.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:14 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2020_12_26-20_02_44.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:14 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2020_12_26-20_02_44.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:15 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2020_12_26-21_10_04.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:15 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2020_12_26-21_10_04.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:15 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_07-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:15 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_07-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:16 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_48.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:16 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_48.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:17 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_07-00_00_02.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:17 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_07-00_00_02.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:17 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_08-00_00_02.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:17 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_08-00_00_02.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:18 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_10-00_00_02.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:18 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_10-00_00_02.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:19 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2020_12_26-20_02_44.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:19 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-130-2020_12_26-20_02_44.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:20 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2020_12_26-20_10_56.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:20 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-131-2020_12_26-20_10_56.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:20 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2020_12_26-22_12_10.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:20 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2020_12_26-22_12_10.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:21 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2020_12_26-22_05_44.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:21 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-140-2020_12_26-22_05_44.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:21 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_09-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:21 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_09-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:22 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_11-00_00_02.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:22 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_11-00_00_02.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:23 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2020_12_26-20_39_49.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:23 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-132-2020_12_26-20_39_49.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:23 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_07.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:23 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-144-2021_01_17-10_34_07.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:24 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_08-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:24 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_08-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:25 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_09-00_00_02.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:25 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_09-00_00_02.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:26 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_11-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:26 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_11-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:26 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:26 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:27 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:27 INFO  : daily/dump/vzdump-qemu-145-2021_01_17-00_00_02.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:28 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_34_23.vma.gz: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:28 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-125-2020_12_30-10_34_23.vma.gz: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:28 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2020_12_26-21_10_04.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:28 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-134-2020_12_26-21_10_04.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:29 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2020_12_26-22_12_10.log: Moved (server side)
2021/01/17 17:52:29 INFO  : weekly/dump/vzdump-qemu-141-2020_12_26-22_12_10.log: Moved into backup dir
2021/01/17 17:52:29 INFO  : There was nothing to transfer
2021/01/17 17:52:29 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	         0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Checks:               121 / 121, 100%
Deleted:               29
Renamed:               29
Elapsed time:        36.4s

2021/01/17 17:52:29 DEBUG : 14 go routines active

Keeping my fingers crossed this keeps working as hoped.

Thank you for your help.

copy doesn't sync deletions as it never deletes anything on the destination. sync will sync deletions.

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