Logs are encrypted - Unreadable

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

TLDR: Logs are unreadable, am I doing something wrong?

First time using rclone. I configured Google workspace Enterprise with 2 users using the same Teams share. In the rclone.conf, both users have their own access to the google drive, but everything else is configured identically. I have two scripts for cron configured identically to the below script, except each script is excluding different folders (to avoid confusion) and the destination is the users's access to the google teams share; e.g.

User1account>Google Drive>Teams Share
User2account>Google Drive>Teams Share

In addition to the logging junk, please review my config for best practices, tips, or tricks. I run fiber gigabit internet and I am replicating my plex library as an offsite replication. Someday I may use mergerfs but its not needed right now.

Thank you in advance, I appreciate any help.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

Docker deployment on Ubuntu host

rclone v1.57.0
- os/version: alpine 3.14.2 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.11.0-46-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.17.2
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive - Team Share

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

log output

2022/01/18 17:21:37 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/ugquhe791bqr3seu9bg0ubbevadjatr0ilcr490vr75nd6npn8nit7a422g661hhs2qqkde16mgmi/1kr9spj1ce975u8o7oonc7rv67lbjl79ig0hig6k81ta0q3fnih94obqd16vtuq8haq2phaku838rdguj1uo0lkedcc8lk2ra4a3n4b3iovq5uohb08iq2cjqftjutghc8bqmu9lphln3h6plckhd162la7etr1cfmptmh01jkl871soaicg: Sending chunk 3489660928 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:21:39 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/hsabmqqre9g7bcbsa8tr2v7l55me8le4ahl19m3ifmrnq6904s0g/452ijk2c59qjds8t5cttho9i9aaa7r4siler2epdre062lj6nf395l5uvrm25cmstq20nd5ahl0sotkmfnl4od7kms49b36j102ta5ikn5s3ilctibmuone5cc028b07plahm29ptuehj3l9ucmkrb3bd8: Sending chunk 3154116608 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:21:41 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/ugquhe791bqr3seu9bg0ubbevadjatr0ilcr490vr75nd6npn8nit7a422g661hhs2qqkde16mgmi/1kr9spj1ce975u8o7oonc7rv67lbjl79ig0hig6k81ta0q3fnih94obqd16vtuq8haq2phaku838rdguj1uo0lkedcc8lk2ra4a3n4b3iovq5uohb08iq2cjqftjutghc8bqmu9lphln3h6plckhd162la7etr1cfmptmh01jkl871soaicg: Sending chunk 3523215360 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:21:43 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/hsabmqqre9g7bcbsa8tr2v7l55me8le4ahl19m3ifmrnq6904s0g/452ijk2c59qjds8t5cttho9i9aaa7r4siler2epdre062lj6nf395l5uvrm25cmstq20nd5ahl0sotkmfnl4od7kms49b36j102ta5ikn5s3ilctibmuone5cc028b07plahm29ptuehj3l9ucmkrb3bd8: Sending chunk 3187671040 length 33554432

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

# RClone Config file

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rclone Sync script
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

ReplicationType="copy" # choose your replication type e.g. move, copy, sync
#   copy  - Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied.
#   sync  - Make source and dest identical, modifying destination only.
#   move  - Move files from source to dest.
#   check - Check if the files in the source and destination match.
Source="/media" # Source is local media folder
Destination="gteam-media-crypt:gmedia" # Destination is Google teams share
MinimumAge="30m" # sync files suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y
ModSort="ascending" # "ascending" oldest files first, "descending" newest files first
MaxTransfer="700G" # Maximum size of data to transfer (default off) - Google is 750

CURRENT_DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
echo "Logging to $LOG_FILE"

# Bandwidth limits: specify the desired bandwidth in kBytes/s, or use a suffix b|k|M|G. Or 'off' or '0' for unlimited.  The script uses --drive-stop-on-upload-limit which stops the script if the 750GB/day limit is achieved, so you no longer have to slow 'trickle' your files all day if you don't want to e.g. could just do an unlimited job overnight.
BWLimit1Time="01:00" # can be listed as off or a number like 15M


# Add extra commands or filters
Command1="--exclude downloads/**"
Command2="--exclude homevideos/**"
Command3="--exclude music/**"
Command4="--exclude music-Old/**"
Command5="--exclude hallmark/**"
Command6="--exclude tvshowslocalonly/**"
Command7="--exclude tvshows4k/**"
Command8="--exclude tvshows/**"
Command9="--exclude movies/**"

# process files
	rclone $ReplicationType $Source $Destination \
	-vv \
    --log-file $LOG_FILE \
    --fast-list \
    --progress \
	--drive-chunk-size 32M \
	--transfers 2 \
	--order-by modtime,$ModSort \
	--min-age $MinimumAge \
	$Command1 $Command2 $Command3 $Command4 $Command5 $Command6 $Command7 $Command8 $Command9 $Command10 \
	--exclude *fuse_hidden* \
	--exclude *_HIDDEN \
	--exclude .recycle** \
	--exclude .Recycle.Bin/** \
	--exclude *.backup~* \
	--exclude *.partial~* \
    --exclude *@eaDir \
    --max-transfer $MaxTransfer \
    --drive-stop-on-download-limit \
    --drive-stop-on-upload-limit \
	--bwlimit "${BWLimit1Time},${BWLimit1} ${BWLimit2Time},${BWLimit2} ${BWLimit3Time},${BWLimit3}" \

# Give us the ability to see the error in our ways
chmod a+r $LOG_FILE

echo "Log file can be found at $LOG_FILE"

# Prune old logs
echo "Pruning old logs"
find /logs/ -name "*.log" -type f -mtime +30 -delete

The second user account's script is almost identical except for these deltas and the log location.

Destination="derinne-crypt:gmedia" # Destination is Google teams share

# Add extra commands or filters
Command1="--exclude downloads/**"
Command2="" #--exclude homevideos/**"
Command3="--exclude music/**"
Command4="--exclude music-Old/**"
Command5="" #--exclude hallmark/**"
Command6="" #--exclude tvshowslocalonly/**"
Command7="--exclude tvshows4k/**"
Command8="--exclude tvshows/**"
Command9="--exclude movies/**"
Command10="--exclude movies4k/**"


type = drive
client_id = [REMOVED]
client_secret = [REMOVED]
scope = drive
root_folder_id = 
token = [REMOVED]
team_drive = [Random alphanumeric that represents the team share of gmedia]

type = crypt
remote = gteam-media:crypt
password = [REMOVED]

type = drive
client_id = [REMOVED]
client_secret = [REMOVED]
scope = drive
root_folder_id = 
token = [REMOVED]
team_drive = [Random alphanumeric that represents the team share of gmedia]

type = crypt
remote = derinne:crypt
password = [REMOVED]

A log from the command with the -vv flag

I already had -vv set. Should I not have?

hello and welcome to the forum,

the logs are not crypted, the logs are readable, for example,
2022/01/18 17:21:37 DEBUG :
Sending chunk 3489660928 length 33554432

and those long random looking text that start with vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8, those are the crypted paths/files.

let's keep this simple, pick just one rclone command.
need to see a complete debug log or at least the top 50 lines.

to see the files in their decrypted state, would need to
rclone ls gteam-media-crypt:gmedia

to see the files in their crypted state, would need to
rclone ls gteam-media:crypt

Is there a way to decipher the output as its being logged?

Also, I am not understanding what you mean by picking one command.

Log output

2022/01/18 16:00:00 INFO  : Starting bandwidth limiter at 15Mi Byte/s
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : --min-age 30m0s to 2022-01-18 15:30:00.188908819 -0500 EST m=-1799.969640510
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "/media" "derinne-crypt:gmedia" "-vv" "--log-file" "/logs/rclone-copy-20220118-derinne.log" "--fast-list" "--progress" "--drive-chunk-size" "32M" "--transfers" "2" "--order-by" "modtime,ascending" "--min-age" "30m" "--exclude" "downloads/**" "--exclude" "music/**" "--exclude" "music-Old/**" "--exclude" "tvshowslocalonly/**" "--exclude" "tvshows4k/**" "--exclude" "tvshows/**" "--exclude" "movies/**" "--exclude" "movies4k/**" "--exclude" "*fuse_hidden*" "--exclude" "*_HIDDEN" "--exclude" ".recycle**" "--exclude" ".Recycle.Bin/**" "--exclude" "*.backup~*" "--exclude" "*.partial~*" "--exclude" "*@eaDir" "--max-transfer" "740G" "--drive-stop-on-download-limit" "--drive-stop-on-upload-limit" "--bwlimit" "01:00,off 08:00,5M 16:00,15M"]
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/media"
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : Using config file from "/config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "derinne-crypt:gmedia"
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "derinne:crypt/[REMOVED]"
2022/01/18 16:00:00 DEBUG : derinne: detected overridden config - adding "{UPxyI}" suffix to name
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "derinne:crypt/[REMOVED]" to be canonical "derinne{UPxyI}:crypt/[REMOVED]"
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "derinne:crypt/5ktql4jfvq2a4dvi6vlfchr10k" for canonical name "derinne{UPxyI}:crypt/[REMOVED]"
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : movies: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : movies4k: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : music-Old: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : music: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : tvshows: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : tvshows4k: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : tvshowslocalonly: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : downloads: Excluded
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : music: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : movies: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : tvshows: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : movies4k: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : tvshows4k: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : tvshowslocalonly: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : music-Old: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 16:00:01 DEBUG : downloads: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2022/01/18 17:32:31 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 536870912 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:33 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 570425344 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:36 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 603979776 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:39 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 637534208 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:42 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 671088640 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:46 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 704643072 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:50 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 738197504 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:53 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 771751936 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:32:57 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 805306368 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:00 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 838860800 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:04 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 872415232 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:06 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 905969664 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:09 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 939524096 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:12 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 973078528 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:16 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 1006632960 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:19 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 1040187392 length 33554432
2022/01/18 17:33:23 DEBUG : vmn59c95nlt9hq8dfn9u3f2tu8/jsj4m0t13vesbhap2j8vo1po6ge8mj3hmkjavko6dh9bke4n2i2og0iht6b6ta99v8os3l0tj4hl6/fuhil0n86toldtd8pem057o53tk6dbp57h8kd8tj1agukrqmanc9eesi60qb1qm1sfnt1s528s6p7srf9el6g6t49f1lr3o12bkmbbfm508k41luovrm1odj1sirrpg6j0hfg3g9p15plklrlb31f883v8: Sending chunk 1073741824 length 20837470
Transferred:   	   80.929 GiB / 80.929 GiB, 100%, 9.624 MiB/s, ETA 0s
Checks:                28 / 28, 100%
Transferred:           21 / 21, 100%
Elapsed time:   1h33m26.0s

the source dir `/media, does that contain crypted or non-crypted files?



So based on your rclone.conf, you have an encrypted folder in there and you are trying list out the entire remote.

If you list out the entire remote, you are going to get crypted content in there.

You can:

  • run a rclone ls on the root and exclude the crypted directory
  • run a rclone ls on the crypt remote and use that

What's your goal here? What are you trying to accomplish?

Ultimately I am after insight, status, and progress of running and completed jobs. I can see the contents in the remote non-encrypted and also remote encrypted fairly easily (using the commands you stated).

I run these script via a cron job, so I don't get the live visibility like I would if I ran them manually with -progress from the prompt.

  • How can I tell what is being transferred? I was trying to use the logs for this.
  • How can I tell what was transferred/deleted? Post job, my logs are only showing cryptic file names.
  • How can I tell how much data a job has transferred before hitting the 750G? Progress of a job
  • Running two users with encryption, do you see any issues with folder/file conflict? My plan is to go down to one user after I complete the initial transfer of everything in a couple months.

Thank you!

So I'm a simple guy and I try not to overcomplicate things.

If it was me, I'd go about it in two ways as it's very easy to hit the 750GB limit in a short order of time.

I'd just run one user copy with:

Google drive (rclone.org)

It'll stop once it errors on the upload limit and do the second.

No mess about overlapping or anything else.

Is your end goal to copy 750x2 per day until done? That should work easily for that.

When I migrated my stuff from Google Drive, i did something similar but worried about the download limit per day which is tough to hit on gigabit anyway and I used the order by flag and copied old stuff on one machine and newest stuff on the other machine so they'd meet in the middle at some point.

Once they met, if something finished, it would give me a 404 as I was moving things and not copying. If you copy, you might get some a bit overlap as you'd get a couple collisions but no harm I'd imagine.

You can't monitor the 750 quota anyway on Google without some guessing/luck so I would just wait for the error and continue the next day.

I also copied remote to remote and didn't care use my crypt remote since I kept the keys the same so that was a bit less overhead too.

Note this is a DEBUG log which often will show encrypted file names. However the INFO logs should almost always show non encrypted file names and these are the ones you want to look at to see the progress of your job.

So to see fewer encrypted names use -v instead of -vv.

Note also that you can decrypt the encrypted names with rclone cryptdecode which might help.

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