--log-file with rclone ls

Does anyone know how to get --log-file to work with ls?

I’m trying to test my exclude filter using ls like the filters wiki page says, but I want to output my ls to a log file so that I can analyze it.

Here is the command I am using:

rclone ls gdrivecrypt:Public/Video/“TV Shows” --exclude-from /root/rclone/excludetv.txt --log-file=/root/rclone/ls.txt

It creates ls.txt, but the file is empty and the command outputs everything to the terminal.

I guess for now I can do:

rclone ls gdrivecrypt:Public/Video/“TV Shows” --exclude-from /root/rclone/excludetv.txt |& tee /root/rclone/ls.txt

rclone ls gdrivecrypt:Public/Video/"TV Shows" --exclude-from /root/rclone/excludetv.txt >/root/rclone/ls.txt

Is what you want