Large videos not loading on plex

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Large videos are not loading in plex and not sure if cache would help or solve the problem. I created one but not sure how to mount it.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)


Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

google drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone mount nube: /home/pi/nube --allow-other &

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = cache
remote = nube
plex_url = http://raspberrypi:32400
plex_username = email
plex_password = *** ENCRYPTED ***
chunk_total_size = 500Mi

A log from the command with the -vv flag


2021/10/06 10:27:05 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 4096 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:05 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 4096 length 8192 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:05 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 12288 length 16384 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:06 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 28672 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:06 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 61440 length 65536 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:06 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 126976 length 131072 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:06 DEBUG : series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4: ChunkedReader.Read at 258048 length 262144 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2021/10/06 10:27:06 DEBUG : &{series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4 (r)}: >Read: read=131072, err=<nil>
2021/10/06 10:27:06 DEBUG : &{series/Love is in the air/S01E74.mp4 (r)}: Read: len=69632, offset=785518592

and continues the same for long time. I wasnt getting the log before but I've tried so many times I'm worried if i keep i could get my drive ban.

what do you mean by large? 4K or what?

not sure that is a complete config file, as it is missing nube:

the cache remote, it has been deprecated and have been removed from the rclone documentation.
it is not needed for plex.

that debug log is just a snippet, not a full log, but looks ok, that the mount is working; streaming a media file.

what model of pi are you using?

with large videos i mean 800mb, 1gb aprox. Not 4k, I'm just using a raspberry pi 3 b+.

This is the config of the google drive, the other one was from the cache. I created the drive first (as i didnt know a cache even exist) and the cache later. This is what i got for nube

type = drive
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":0"}
team_drive =

Yes the mount its working , I actually copied the file from the mount on the raspberry pi to a local folder and it worked fine, just took a few minutes. Thats why I think maybe like plex its trying to play the file it needs to make some sort of buffer or the cache. I changed the transmision quality but still nothing and i havent tried them all as im worried i could get ban, not sure how or when my account could get ban. I also think it could be that the task its too much for a raspberry pi. but again, not sure. thanks

please redact/remove that token!

for what it is worth, i have a pi4 i use for streaming.
i do not use any type of cache.

what is the file system type of the /home/pi/nube, ext4 or what?

what is the result of a speedtest?

as i understand it, changing the transmission quality will not help

  • rclone still has to stream the file as is from gdrive and then transcode it.
  • raspberry pi lack the power to transcode video quickly..
  • best to direct stream with the pi

as for temporary ban, odds are low given that rclone is streaming the media file for plex.
a debug log would provide the answer.
with plex, if you enable Enable Thumbnail previews or Perform extensive media analysis during maintenance, plex will have to download the entire media file to scan it.
i use emby and i disable such features.

thanks, but not worries, i deleted more than half of it . so it was useles. just left part of it to show it was good.

Not so sure how to know exactly the system file of that specific folder but this is wha i get when i run the df -khT command

pi@raspberrypi:/home $ df -khT
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dev devtmpfs 403M 0 403M 0% /dev
none aufs 15G 12G 1.9G 87% /
tmpfs tmpfs 414M 4.0K 414M 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 414M 5.7M 408M 2% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs tmpfs 414M 0 414M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1 vfat 127M 57M 71M 45% /boot
tmpfs tmpfs 83M 0 83M 0% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda1 vfat 30G 715M 30G 3% /media/pi/3831-3139
/dev/mmcblk0p2 ext4 15G 12G 1.9G 87% /media/pi/berryboot

my speedtest shows 50mbps download and 16 mbps to upload.

Yes I currently have it in direct stream.

So in your experience this problem shouldnt be related to the cache?

the command you posted is not using any cache???

for example, on my pi4, my home directory is on ext4.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ df -PTh /home | awk '{print $2}'

I create the config for the google drive (nube) and then the config for the cache (cache) . and mounted it with this command

rclone mount nube: /home/pi/nube --allow-other &

Thats what i meant when i said im not sure how to mount the cache, or it automatically detects the config and load it with that command. I thought I might need some extra parameter. Seems it is in a aufs file system

pi@raspberrypi:/media $ df /home
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
none 15053784 12276084 1989964 87% /
pi@raspberrypi:/media $ df -khT
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dev devtmpfs 403M 0 403M 0% /dev
none aufs 15G 12G 1.9G 87% /
tmpfs tmpfs 414M 4.0K 414M 1% /dev/shm

as i pointed out, do not use that cache remote you created, best to delete it and forget about it.
as documented here

if you want a cache, use the new vfs cache.
to your command add, --vfs-cache-mode=full --cache-dir=\path\to\some\folder
as documented here

you need to put the cache-dir on a filesystem that supports sparse.

not a linux expert but it looks like your root is on aufs, have no idea if that supports sparse files.

if you run your rclone mount with a vfs cache, if the cache-dir does not support sparse, that will be documented in the debug log.
the only filesystem, on your system, that i know for sure supports sparse is ext4 on /media/pi/berryboot which seems to be your sdcard and not a good choice for the vfs cache.

I'm going to try this but you mentioned you use a raspberry pi 4, where its your cache?

i do not use any type of cache with rclone mount

on your pi, are you using any additional storage other than sdcard?

i boot my pi4 using a usb ssd drive, no sdcard.

I just connected a new 32gb usb drive. I didnt format or plugged in other computer and it shows up as a vfat file system.

vfat is not a good choice for vfs cache, as it dos not support sparse files.

vfat is supported by almost all operating systems, and that is the reason the drive is formatted using it.

check here for a list of file systems that support sparse files.

not a linux expert, but i would format as ext4, which i believe is the default filesystem for raspbian.
on my pi4 i use ubuntu which uses ext4

I had problem since the begining with rclone and though it could be at some point related. So I started from a newer and clean raspbian version. All configuration was fine, without problems but still not playing the video.

This is my new file system

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ df -khT
S.ficheros Tipo TamaƱo Usados Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/root ext4 15G 4,2G 9,6G 31% /
devtmpfs devtmpfs 430M 0 430M 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 462M 4,0K 462M 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 462M 13M 450M 3% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs tmpfs 462M 0 462M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 fuseblk 30G 2,0G 28G 7% /media/usb
/dev/mmcblk0p1 vfat 253M 49M 204M 20% /boot
tmpfs tmpfs 93M 4,0K 93M 1% /run/user/1000
gdrive: fuse.rclone 15G 1,6G 14G 11% /home/pi/gdrive

my home directory its ext4, i created a folder and add the command you suggested but nothing . Also tried on my usb drive (sda1) that says fuseblk i suppose cause i mounted it with fuse but its NTFS and i read it supports spare. None work.

This is the command line to mount

@reboot rclone mount gdrive: /home/pi/gdrive --allow-other --vfs-cache-mode=full --cache-dir=/home/cach &

so probably its just too much processing to a rpi 3

my pizero can act as a media server and stream 1080p over the lan to my laptop.
not using any cache, no cache remote, no vfs cache.

  • not sure it matters in this case but for gdrive, i would create a client id
  • are you streaming plex over the local network?
    if so, then over wifi , over wired or what?
  • without a rclone debug log, no way to know what the real problem is.

as a test, i would download a video file to local storage and then

  • stream it using plex.
  • stream it not using plex, perhaps using rclone serve dlna

I dont know what you mean with create a client id
Yes im streaming plex on my network, first with files on the sd card and now on usb, the pi its wired. I played on laptop, ipad (using vlc) and tv. sometimes it takes a bit to load but that might be my wifi signal on the client.
how can i get a debug now that my drive its mounted when systems boots. Im not mouning it from terminal anymore

I will check on that rclone serve dlna. what i did try was opening the video on vlc on raspberry pi from the google drive, the same im trying to play in plex but didnt work either.

Something I noticed its that before mounting the google drive with the parameters you shared, i got some error message like media not found or a 1001 error. Now it just tries to play it , never shows a message, it just stay there loading.

so you have video monitor connected directly to the pi and can play a video vlc on it?
if correct, can you play video files on local storage using vlc only, not plex?

need to post a full rclone debug log, without that no way to solve this.
add --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=/path/to/log/log.txt, try to play a video and post the entire log.
you can post it to and share the link.

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