Large delay in log, not sure why

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

there is a 150 minute time gap in the debug log, not sure why?
between 11:21:48 and 13:51:30

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.56.0
- os/version: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 1809 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 10.0.17763.348 (x86_64)
- os/type: windows
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.16.5
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

wasabi, s3 clone.

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone copy "b:\mount\rcloner\en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08_20211204.111937\BR_VSERVER03_EN08" "wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08:en08/rclone/backup" --immutable --stats=0 --fast-list --bind= --include="*.{vib,vbk}" --max-age=30d --s3-no-check-bucket=true --s3-chunk-size=128M --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=C:\data\rclone\logs\en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08\20211204.111937\rclone.log --config=C:\data\rclone\scripts\wasabi.conf --ask-password

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = s3
provider = Wasabi
access_key_id = redacted
secret_access_key = redacted
endpoint =

type = alias
remote =

A log from the command with the -vv flag

full log, except removed most lines with multipart upload starting chunk
note: once the download finally starts, it completes without issues.

2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : --max-age 1M to 2021-11-04 12:21:43.6121805 -0400 EDT m=-2591999.921055199
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.56.0" starting with parameters ["C:\\data\\rclone\\scripts\\rclone.exe" "copy" "b:\\mount\\rcloner\\en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08_20211204.111937\\BR_VSERVER03_EN08" "wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08:en08/rclone/backup" "--immutable" "--stats=0" "--fast-list" "--bind=" "--include=*.{vib,vbk}" "--max-age=30d" "--s3-no-check-bucket=true" "--s3-chunk-size=128M" "--log-level=DEBUG" "--log-file=C:\\data\\rclone\\logs\\en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08\\20211204.111937\\rclone.log" "--config=C:\\data\\rclone\\scripts\\wasabi.conf" "--ask-password"]
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "b:\\mount\\rcloner\\en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08_20211204.111937\\BR_VSERVER03_EN08"
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\\data\\rclone\\scripts\\wasabi.conf"
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "b:\\mount\\rcloner\\en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08_20211204.111937\\BR_VSERVER03_EN08" to be canonical "//?/b:/mount/rcloner/en08_wasabi01_veeam_br_en08_20211204.111937/BR_VSERVER03_EN08"
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08:en08/rclone/backup"
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote ""
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08_remote: detected overridden config - adding "{SjFTA}" suffix to name
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "" to be canonical "wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08_remote{SjFTA}"
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08:en08/rclone/backup" to be canonical "wasabi_vserver03brvserver03en08_remote{SjFTA}"
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V.vbm: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-06-27T150614.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-06-28T123510.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-06-29T135208.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:43 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-06-30T191415.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-01T162610.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-02T130638.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-03T083853.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-03T084551.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-04T084944.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-05T091205.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-06T115132.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-07T125858.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-08T134802.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-09T121320.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-10T171543.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-11T111555.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-12T123502.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-13T134803.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-14T135135.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-15T100523.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-16T154513.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-17T084021.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-18T094517.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-19T161207.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-20T135534.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-21T135724.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-22T134819.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-23T124300.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-24T094409.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-25T092530.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-26T131937.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-27T113514.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:44 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-28T104104.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-29T130508.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-30T133202.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-07-31T095710.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-02T183702.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-03T134741.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-04T115701.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-05T125719.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-07T113448.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-08T105521.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-09T125148.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-10T150821.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-11T083954.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-12T133610.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-13T130555.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-14T080349.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-15T092909.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-16T134201.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-17T144118.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-18T084844.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-19T130640.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-20T133525.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-21T091507.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-22T100139.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-23T103125.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-24T141844.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-25T140900.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-26T085325.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-30T135454.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-31T104546.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:45 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-01T081935.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-02T094440.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-03T124250.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-04T080736.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-05T085913.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-06T093452.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-07T085103.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-08T093220.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-09T085338.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-10T135940.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-11T100340.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-12T143952.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-13T104157.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-14T082527.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-15T082258.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-16T084257.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-17T083612.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-18T080712.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-19T090758.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-21T093824.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-22T124048.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-23T084631.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-24T082957.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-25T083458.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-26T093101.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-27T124950.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-28T085105.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-29T091641.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-30T131607.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-01T115506.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-02T113512.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-03T133700.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-04T110320.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:46 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-05T102932.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-06T134436.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-07T155420.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-08T094107.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-09T085219.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-10T101027.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-11T120341.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-12T124912.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-13T110128.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-14T132628.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-15T085628.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-15T182818.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-16T083113.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-17T100059.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-18T124734.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-19T151431.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-20T121703.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-21T140503.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-22T095051.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-23T084142.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-24T100713.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-25T132437.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-26T194551.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-27T141750.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-28T093706.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-29T141538.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-30T114329.vbk: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-31T104648.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-01T132000.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-02T152214.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:47 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-03T202636.vib: Excluded from sync (and deletion)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V.vbm: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-07T113448.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-08T105521.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-09T125148.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-10T150821.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-11T083954.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-12T133610.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-13T130555.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-14T080349.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-15T092909.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-16T134201.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-17T144118.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-18T084844.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-19T130640.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-20T133525.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-21T091507.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-22T100139.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-23T103125.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-24T141844.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-25T140900.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-26T085325.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-30T135454.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-08-31T104546.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-01T081935.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-02T094440.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-03T124250.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-04T080736.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-05T085913.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-06T093452.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-07T085103.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-08T093220.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-09T085338.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-10T135940.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-11T100340.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-12T143952.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-13T104157.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-14T082527.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-15T082258.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-16T084257.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-17T083612.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-18T080712.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-19T090758.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-21T093824.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-22T124048.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-23T084631.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-24T082957.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-25T083458.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-26T093101.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-27T124950.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-28T085105.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-29T091641.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-09-30T131607.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-01T115506.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-02T113512.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-03T133700.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-04T110320.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-05T102932.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-06T134436.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-07T155420.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-08T094107.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-09T085219.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-10T101027.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-11T120341.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-12T124912.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-13T110128.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-14T132628.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-15T085628.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-15T182818.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-16T083113.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-17T100059.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-18T124734.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-19T151431.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-20T121703.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-21T140503.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-22T095051.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-23T084142.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-24T100713.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-25T132437.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-26T194551.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-27T141750.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-28T093706.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-29T141538.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-30T114329.vbk: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-10-31T104648.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-01T132000.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-02T152214.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-03T202636.vib: Excluded
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-08T123055.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-08T123055.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-09T091621.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-09T091621.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-10T102349.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-10T102349.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-13T103758.vbk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-13T103758.vbk: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-16T093909.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-05T134232.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-05T134232.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-17T164241.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-17T164241.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-07T122732.vbk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-07T122732.vbk: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-04T191527.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-04T191527.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-11T090824.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-11T090824.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-12T132547.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-12T132547.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : S3 bucket path en08/rclone/backup: Waiting for checks to finish
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-14T094915.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-14T094915.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-15T154758.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-15T154758.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-16T093909.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-18T141119.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-18T141119.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-19T102606.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-19T102606.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-20T083617.vbk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-20T083617.vbk: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-21T114007.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-21T114007.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-22T152446.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-22T152446.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-24T160317.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-24T160317.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-25T095919.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-25T095919.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-26T095049.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-26T095049.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-27T103728.vbk: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-27T103728.vbk: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-28T163437.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-28T163437.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-29T194543.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-29T194543.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-30T134151.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-11-30T134151.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-01T123458.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-01T123458.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-02T125602.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-02T125602.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-03T101112.vib: Size and modification time the same (differ by 0s, within tolerance 100ns)
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-03T101112.vib: Unchanged skipping
2021/12/04 11:21:48 DEBUG : S3 bucket path en08/rclone/backup: Waiting for transfers to finish
2021/12/04 13:51:30 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-04T100825.vbk: multipart upload starting chunk 1 size 128Mi offset 0/21.217Gi
2021/12/04 14:18:53 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-04T100825.vbk: multipart upload starting chunk 170 size 94.562Mi offset 21.125Gi/21.217Gi
2021/12/04 14:19:05 DEBUG : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-04T100825.vbk: md5 = 7f8f99728f23c1c162516380188af8fe OK
2021/12/04 14:19:05 INFO  : ABP-EN08_V2021-12-04T100825.vbk: Copied (new)
2021/12/04 14:19:05 DEBUG : 10 go routines active

Are those very big files?

Perhaps rclone is doing a checksum before upload?

150 minutes sounds like a long time though - how long does rclone md5sum take on the file?

1 Like


  • i did think of that.
    perhaps i should have provided more details in my initial post.

  • this is not the first time this has happened.

  • the file is a small veeam .vbk, approx. 20GiB in size.

  • rclone md5sum,
    Elapsed time: 4m17.3s

md5sum using double commander, an open source version of norton/total commander.

I think it could be

  • the checksum calculation
  • maybe wasabi was slow for some reason at that point?

Could there have been contention on the disk at that moment which caused the file to read slowly?

If you add -vv --dump headers you'll be able to tell if it is wasabi being slow.

1 Like

this is embarrassing, must be the monkey-half making mischief again, distracting me with his trickery.

on that particular veeam backup server, runs the free awesome windows server 2019 hyper-v edition.
the filesystem is REFS - which is microsoft version of ZFS.
soft raid and on-the-fly checksum integrity for all data.

however, there is a repeating task that does a monthly data integrity scan check of the entire file system.
and since the server has a super slow i3 cpu, so that scan takes a long time.

i checked the last thee months of rclone debug logs.
each time windows does that scan, rclone's calculation of the hash takes a long time.

thanks much,

Glad we found the problem :slight_smile:

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