Keep only those different files

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I was trying to transfer all my photos and videos from OneDrive to Google Drive today. After finishing, I checked the photos and videos between OneDrive and Google Drive, but rclone shows there are around 10% of photos are not the same between the two cloud providers.
After researching, I realized it seems that Google Drive doesn't support Live Photos. So I wonder if it is possible that rclone can only keep the Live Photos in OneDrive and delete all the other photos that have already been copied correctly.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.


Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

OneDrive, Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

.\rclone copy OneDrive:photos Google:BackupPhotosFromOneDrive -P
.\rclone check OneDrive:photos Google:BackupPhotosFromOneDrive -P
.\rclone sync OneDrive:photos Google:BackupPhotosFromOneDrive -P

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Drive doesn't normally alter files. What did rclone check say? How did you know the photos are not the same?

Live Photos are short movies created by iOS, that can be copied to OneDrive using the iOS app.

Currently OneDrive shows the Live Photo size in the listings, but only downloads a single frame from the Live Photo. The downloaded/transferred size is therefore smaller than the one reported by OneDrive.

More info:

I don't think there is an easy solution/flag to do this, but you can probably use rclone check to compare OneDrive and GoogleDrive and then feed the list of identical files (--match) into rclone delete using --include-from. Please make a small test first and use --dry-run before each delete to verify correct functioning.

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First, they have different sizes for the same photos. Thus, I selected some of them and took a look separately, these in google drive are Still Photos instead of Live Photos, which are different from OneDrive's. Below is the command I was using and the result shown from it.

The command:
rclone check OneDrive:photos Google:BackupPhotosFromOneDrive
The result:

Thank you so much for answering my question! I will try the solution you provided and find out if it works.


That's pretty conclusive isn't it.

@Ole - I wonder if this should be another thing for the troubleshooting section of Onedrive? Microsoft OneDrive

I did report a bug about this here: Live photos from the iPhone have a different size in listings compared to when downloaded · Issue #1532 · OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs · GitHub but it was closed for no reason I can understand!

Great idea, ready for your review:

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