Just a noob looking for reassurance

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I think I have it working correctly but I am unsure given my inexpedience with Linux.
I have the gdrive mounted and crypted, it works fine. I then created a local remote in rclone and mounted it to a local directory to shadow the cdrive (crypt remote of gdrive). I then mounted the union remote to the union directory and all three directories seem to me in sync but it gave me such a hassle that I wanted to ask if I should expect issues.

I am also planing on using:
rclone move ~/mylocal /mydata --no-transverse --transfers 50
in a cron every 2 hours

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

did not check to see if I could update the given version on the box

-rclone v1.53.3-DEV

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.15.5

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

This is what I used to mount all mounts, crypt, local (while in the crypt mount), and union.

rclone mount --daemon --daemon-timeout=5m --buffer-size=32M --dir-cache-time=84h --vfs-cache-mode=minimal --vfs-cache-max-age=6h remote: ~/mount/

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = 
client_secret = 
scope = drive
token =

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:~/mydata/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = 
password2 = 

type = union
upstreams = cdrive:/:nc ldrive:/mylocal

type = local

also seem to not be getting the backticks to work....

I would make the union point direct to the upstreams not via the mounts, so

should be

upstreams = gdrive:~/mydata/:nc /mylocal/

(assuming I've understood your config correctly).

That should work a whole lot better.

I fixed your post - the problem was that you had an unclosed HTML tag which was confusing things.

So the use of a local drive is acceptable? Is was mot sure exactly how they worked and frankly wondered if I even need the union after setting it up. The data and local directories seem to mirror each other and on top of that a certain program appears to not like the nc portion of the union so I did point it toward the local drive anyway. Do the local/data mirror work the way I think, is the union necessary?

Sorry read and responded in a rush while at work before. After getting home I was able to better understand and implement. I also realize why I had such issues with my previous setup. Thank you!

However, using the gdrive remote the union shows the encrypted files, as expected I imagine, but when I change the union to us the cdrive I do not see anything.

upstreams = cdrive:/:nc /mylocal/:RW
seems to be working

the cdrive:~/mydata/:nc part added a '~' direcctory to my mydata drive with a mydata directory in that.
man that not confusing to read...

I guess I tend to celebrate early, the cloud encrypted drive and the union drive seem to be good but there is no connection to the local drive.

I think this syntax is wrong - remove the :RW

If you run rclone lsf -vv udrive: you'll see in the debug messages the backends created - check these look sensible

OMG no wonder I was felt like I was beating my head against a wall. As soon as it occurred to me to use the full path everything fell into place. Being new to Linux and on a headless shared machine is a hell of a handicap. I case someone else happens to be like me and looking I wanted to put my solution up.
my current config file looks like this:

type = drive
client_id = 
client_secret = 
scope = drive
token =

type = union
upstreams = gdrive:/:nc /mnt/mpath/usernam/localdrive/ 

I did ditch the encryption but I have no reason to believe that was part of my issue as the crypt drive worked. I do not know why ~/localdrive/ did not work but I have a whole 2 weeks on Linux under my belt. Thank you for your help Nick!

Glad you fixed it.

I assumed you were shortening the paths for privacy reasons - sorry!

Generaly speaking the ~ is interpreted by the shell (try echo ~) just like * - so you can't put it into config files unless the program has specific support for it which rclone doesn't in this case (but it does support it in some places!).

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