Jellyfin with rclone mount not finding directory contents

you have a working command, so at this point, what do you need help with?

It would be to create a service in linux, but I will use the command with --daemon and I will define it in crontab in case the machine restarts

that service file was not valid, i made a suggestion, did you implement it?
if so, post the updated service file?

Description=drive2 Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gdrive2: /mnt/drive2 
       --allow-other \
       --umask=002 \
       --uid=0110 \
       --gid=0117 \
       --poll-interval 30s \
       --dir-perms=0770 \
       --file-perms=0664 \
       --log-level DEBUG \
       --log-file /var/log/drive2.log 
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -u /mnt/drive2


every line of ExecStart needs a trailing slash except the last line.

and you keep changing the remotes???
rclone mount gdrive2:
rclone mount gdrive:
rclone mount gdrive2:PLEX

I have two google drive accounts, gdrive and gdrive2, I have several directories with content, but the PLEX directory is the main one, that's why I changed the name a few times

did not see gdrive in your config file?

all i am trying to point out,
so far you used three different remotes, different mount points, different commands, different flags, random flags, deprecated flags, command line, systemd, etc......

imho, makes it very close to impossible to understand and debug.
please, just find one setup that works 100% on the command line and only after that, try systemd.

This is the final command, I will perform all the tests on top of this

Description=drive2 Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gdrive2: /mnt/drive2 
       --allow-other \
       --umask=002 \
       --uid=0110 \
       --gid=0117 \
       --poll-interval 30s \
       --dir-perms=0770 \
       --file-perms=0664 \
       --log-level DEBUG \
       --log-file /var/log/drive2.log 
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -u /mnt/drive2


ok, good.

perhaps add a trailing slash
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gdrive2: /mnt/drive2 \

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