When I wrote my rclone backup script, I didn’t find many example rclone scripts.
So I thought somebody else could use the script, or modify it to their own needs.
I use the rclone script to backup my home PC to local and remote storage, and it really works well.
Find more information here: https://github.com/wolfv6/rclone_jobber
A few features:
Abort if job is already running (maybe previous run didn’t finish)
Pop-up for error conditions
Backup-job and restore-job examples
Any suggestions to improve on the script would be welcome.
Rclone was a pleasure to work with; the commands are nicely structured and the documentation is clear.
A big thank you to the writer of rclone.
Hi wolfv, Thanks for sharing. I wasn’t aware of the --backup-dir option in rclone!
A couple of months ago I needed something similar and end up creating https://github.com/bcardiff/docker-rclone It was some features I usually like to see in a backup cron like time window and status check.
You’re welcome. And thanks for pointing me to your backup script.
It inspired me to add range checks for null strings, empty source, and a cron monitoring service.
I’ve been experimenting with rclone_jobber and I really like it!
By default it saves to a ‘latest_backup’ folder, which I see is “$new” in the script. If I already have a substantial amount of files that I used my own rclone script to back up to a destination (in this case a B2 bucket) in a folder called, say, “pictures”. I don’t want to back everything up again - I was hoping I could point my jobber script at the existing backup and just run periodic sync scripts. The obvious way would be to just change the $new variable in the rclone_jobber script, but I’d like to use that script to run separate scripts for different content types.
Short of my going in and hacking at rclone_jobber.sh, do you have any other suggestions how to manage this?
If you can not rearrange your existing destination backup directories, you can customize the rclone_jobber.sh script.
A minimal rclone_jobber.sh customization would be to move the $new variable to a parameter, for example:
And then specify “$new” in the backup jobs.
Write a separate backup job for each directory e.g. “job_backup_pictures” backs up to new=“pictures”.
Example job_backup_pictures:
Thanks for responding! I tried this on a small test directory and ran into problems. I edited the rclone_jobber.sh, to replace the new=“latest_backup” variable with new="$7".
The folder I’m trying to use as the latest backup folder is ‘music’, so in the job script, I set the variable new=“music”. The rclone target is “localtest_crypt”, set as $test_remote, which is a subfolder in my home dir called rclone_test.
My script reads:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
### testing using paramters to override the "latest_backup" folder name
#substitute $rclone_jobber and ${remote} with paths on your system
rclone_jobber=$rclone_jobber #path to rclone_jobber directory
$rclone_jobber/rclone_jobber.sh "$source" "$dest" "$move_old_files_to" "$options" "$(basename $0)" "$monitoring_URL"
#display test directories (comment these if calling from job scheduler)
tree -a $source
rclone ls $dest
The output is:
Back up in progress 2018-08-21_21:51:35 _music_test.sh rclone sync /home/joti/test_rclone_data localtest_crypt:/ --backup-dir=localtest_crypt:/archive/2018/2018-08-21_21:51:35 --log-file=/home/joti/github_repos/rclone_jobber/rclone_jobber.log ERROR: _music_test.sh failed. rclone exit_code=7
The localtest_crypt:/ is what I think is wrong, like the rclone_jobber.sh isn’t handling the $new variable in the job script properly, but I don’t know why.
Hi, I'm a total noob but I'd like to use your backup system. I can't figure out how to use it on Windows.
I downloaded the folder from github, I opened the setup_test_data_directory.sh, but after that it seems that the cmd doesn't know what I'm trying to do.
Any suggestion / explaination on how to run it on Windows (for dummies)?
Btw thanks a lot for sharing your script with the community