It takes a very long time for the file to appear in the Bucket. Is the file upload to MinIO using rclone mount asynchronous?
The files appear immediately in D:\target, but they take a long time to show up in the bucket.
Yes, it does. You can check the progress adding -v and -P in your command. If you disable --vfs-cache-mode=writes by switching it to --vfs-cache-mode=off it will be transfering files in real time. Be aware tho, when vfs-cache-mode is off autoretry is not working anymore, so network problems cause errors on the app level.
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Re running executables from your mount on Windows:
There is a file that failed to upload, and judging by the file size, only a part of it was uploaded. It can't be deleted either through the web page, using the mc command, or after mounting with rclone.How can I force delete it? command doesn't work: # mc rm minio/catia/Xenoblade.xci --force --insecure mc: Failed to remove minio/catia/Xenoblade.xci. A timeout occurred while trying to lock a resource, please reduce your request rate
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A file seems to have encountered an issue during upload with rclone. A 13GB file is only showing as 37MB. It's now impossible to delete it. Are there any methods to forcibly remove it? What other information do you need from me? rclone-minio.log (17.3 KB)