It does not work if folder name includes full-width slash

Please excuse my poor english.
I am using rclone(v1.45) to operate the google drive, but it does not work if folder name includes full-width slash.

Thank you.

You have spaces in your command and need to put some " around them.

thank you for reply.

it is not include spaces in target path, so I got same result using double quote .

I’m not sure what the issue is as the first command works.

Maybe the folder doesn’t exists indeed.

thank you for reply.
The folder certainly exists.

google drive

I think that full-width slashe is the cause of the problem.

The slash between C and D looks different from the other one?!

Yes, it’s full-width slash, not a directory separetor.
It does not work if folder name includes full-width slash.

You shouldn’t ever have a / in a directory name as that’s crazy and it usually isn’t possible on Linux.

Yes, I know “/” (half-width slash) is directory separator, I will never use that character in a directory name.
But “/” (full-width slash) is just a character.

It works fine with rclone v1.32.

I can’t imagine why you’d put either in a directory name as it just makes this confusing. There were some special char code changes along the way and I’m not sure exactly what version.

Advice - don’t use it.