Issue - Connecting Second OneDrive, Same Organization

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I am unable to mount second OneDrive to my PC.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

--> v1.55.1

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Windows 10, 64 bit

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


What I am having issue is. When I created new app on azure and connected. Then used signin using the second user details. Even so, it shows first OneDrive.

I have connected abc onedrive account using
and when I am trying to connect dcf onedrive account using

it shows me abc onedrive for connecting

How can I solve this?


please post the following as text, not screenshots.

  • the config file, redact id/secrets/tokens.
  • the full debug log

it is not a bug, I want to know why it shows the first onedrive only.
I think it is related to some settings

please post the following as text, not screenshots.

  • the config file, redact id/secrets/tokens.
  • the full debug log

Is this a log?


please no screenshots, just copy and paste the text into the post.

run rclone config show, post the output, redact all id/secret/token

post the rclone commands you are trying to run...
Password - YvWJZd72an


i am not able to view that link,
"Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation"

please post the info in this forum, if you want to upload a file, use the upload button....

Please try above link now, it will work. I didn't share because other poeple can access my onedrive with the data .

still not working

" Forbidden (#403) Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation"

please delete that link right now!!!

when you posted, you were told to redact id/secret/token
as i wrote up above, you need to redact id/secrets/tokens.

I used this, removed it now. thank you
run rclone config show, post the output, redact all id/secret/token

and added what I got. ok I have removed and don't worry one drive is empty. anyway, can you see what is wrong?

please post the rclone commands.

  • the command that works
  • the command that does not work.

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