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What is the problem you are having with rclone?
Is JottaCloud Trash accessible/mountable in Rclone?
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
Setup/Mount/Crypt/Sync all work flawlessly. Backing up a portion of my NAS/NextCloud over there.
I am using sync via task scheduler over there. Things work great, however Jotta moves things over to the "trash" folder when files change or things get deleted in my NAS/Nextcloud instance. Because the filed/folder names are hidden via Crypt it does make for an interesting hunt in the "trash" if needed. So far I have not had to recover anything that way but I want to be prepared in case I do.
I have found a sort of hacky way of doing it by creating a folder in front of crypt on my mount that I called "Trash-Checker". I then figured out what folder it was so I can then use Jottacloud to restore/copy/move files via web client into that folder to see what they are. Pretty hacky but it sorta works if in a pinch.
Found a post asking about this exact question here back in 2020:
Tried --drive-trashed-only in my mount, but didn't seem to do anything aside from just mount everything already there.
So far the Jottacloud service has been great. Rclone as also been great in this setup. Would just like to find a less hacky way to check trash if needed.
Thanks and keep up the good work with Rclone!