Is it possible to have RClone mount Google Drive at boot in Linux?

Operating Sysytem: PCLinuxOS Debian Edition KDE 2024 (*non-systemd O/S*)

rclone v1.60.1-DEV
- os/version: debian bookworm 12.7 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 6.11.9-1-liquorix-amd64 (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.19.8
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: none

rclone-browser v1.8.0-2

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Is there a way to set either RClone Browser or RClone to mount Google Drive at boot? I have found how-to suggestions on the RClone documentation pages, on this forum and other sources, but everything I have found is either confusing, or I think is referring to systemd. rclone v1.60.1-DEV is the most recent version that is available in the repositories. I am aware that the current version is 1.68.2 but I prefer not to bypass the repositories.

I know that I can add RClone Browser to the KDE System Settings Autostart, and then in the browser, double click Google Drive, then click the Mount button and select the folder that I want it to use, and before shutting down, click the Jobs tab and unmout Google Drive. I would like to have those steps automated, either using RClone Browser or by using a script to run rclone from the command line during boot. rclone is working correctly as it is currently configured. I just need help setting it up to mount to my preferred folder automatically.

In the RClone Browser Preferences, I see the following lines, but do not know what to enter into them:
rclone.conf location
Stream command:
Default download folder
Default upload folder
Default download options
Default upload options

There are 3 line as follows:
rclone location: /usr/bin/rclone
Mount options: --vfs-cache-mode writes
Default rclone option: --fast-list

I have not attempted to load rclone with a script. I know nothing about script writing. If I go that route, I need someone to give me step-by-step instructions. My command line skills are currently limited (mostly) to being able to copy and paste what someone else tells me.

I have tried to read the "rclone mount" page but find it to be just too much information. I can not filter out what parts of it refer to non-systemd Linux. FWIW, I am not exactly a first-time Linux user, but also do not have much experience. I have "played" with it for about 2 years as a curiosity, and decided to switch permanently when I found out that security updates for Windows 10 will end in October of 2025. I have a PC and two laptops that are relatively new, but do not meet the Windows 11 requirements, so I have started switching to Linux. After some "distro hopping", I settled on PCLinuxOS because it seems to be reasonably stable and has a very friendly support community.

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

rclone config redacted
  rclone config [flags]
  rclone config [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a new remote with name, type and options.
  delete      Delete an existing remote.
  disconnect  Disconnects user from remote
  dump        Dump the config file as JSON.
  file        Show path of configuration file in use.
  password    Update password in an existing remote.
  paths       Show paths used for configuration, cache, temp etc.
  providers   List in JSON format all the providers and options.
  reconnect   Re-authenticates user with remote.
  show        Print (decrypted) config file, or the config for a single remote.
  touch       Ensure configuration file exists.
  update      Update options in an existing remote.
  userinfo    Prints info about logged in user of remote.

  -h, --help   help for config

Additional help topics:
  rclone config edit       Enter an interactive configuration session.

Use "rclone [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "rclone help flags" for to see the global flags.
Use "rclone help backends" for a list of supported services.
Command config needs 0 arguments maximum: you provided 1 non flag arguments: ["redacted"]```

It is up to you but you will get into problems which are already fixed. Worst you will be most likely on your own troubleshooting them as not many people are interested in rclone archaeology:) There is absolutely no point (unless very special situations) in using distro provided version - especially for distros not updating software for years. There were probably 10+ rclone releases since version you are using.

I do not want to discourage you from using what you like but if you are not prepared for steep learning curve maybe better is to choose some more popular distribution? Something you can find tones of info/examples etc. PCLinuxOS seems fun project but quick Google tells me that it is not the easiest option - PCLinuxOS used to be great for Linux newbies, but not anymore | ZDNET - "It's a reliable OS that has plenty to offer…just not to users new to Linux."

Now back to your auto start issue. You have chosen Linux distro not using systemd. Most distros do. But of course it is your choice and sometimes there are reasons to go the road less travelled. Please refer to your distro documentation how to manage autostart and then start your mount command using your OS preferred way.

If you have any issues please answer all questions from original template and post debug log (-vv flag) and we will see what can be done.

This is rclone command line forum. AFAIK rclone browser is not under active development and definitely this forum is not the right place to troubleshoot it.

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WELL, I can see that this is definitely not a friendly place where people are willing to help newbies.

I did not post a debug log because nothing is broke.

If I wanted to use a bloated systemd distro, I would have installed one.

I did not see anything anywhere stating that rclone is for systemd only.

I did not see anything telling me to not use the rclone browser or suggesting it is no longer supported.

It appears to me that the only thing that needs to be debugged in kapitainsky's snobby attitude towards beginners.

Mr Moderator, sir: If you think this reply is out of line, feel free to delete it AFTER you delete my account, since the Delete Account button in Preferences seems to be broken. Maybe it needs to be DEBUGGED!

If you want help on this forum for the start:

  1. use the latest rclone version - unless you have very special reason not to.
  2. answer all questions you were asked when you opened this thread

And be friendly and polite:)

I am logging out, so DELETE THIS ACCOUNT

welcome to the forum,

rclone is just program, same as any other.
so however you would run a program at start, can do that with rclone.

perhaps the simplest option would be cron

that is a custom compiled version that is two years old. really should update.
that old version has some known issues such as affecting gdrive+mount and a workaround for listing gdrive remotes.
can decide for yourself,

script-installation or download

can remove that, does nothing on rclone mount

always good to switch to linux but it is easy to workaround those requirements.
windows runs just fine without those arbitrary requirements.

We have helped multiple newbies here. Actually a lot of the people here have helped me in becoming somewhat familiar with rclone myself.

But for that to work, you need to be able to listen and learn. I find it confusing how as a newbie, you have so many restrictions on your environment. Rclone browser is not developed by the same team, and is currently not under development so if you might run into issues.

Same with using the distro version, you will face issues as it's a pretty old version and cloud providers tend to update their API and connections pretty often. Installing and upgrading rclone directly is a one command step, definitely easy to do and a better way to make sure you are able to keep your setup running if anything were to change.

You don't need systemd for starting a mount, like everything in linux there are like 20 ways to perform the same action. You can use cron or any other million of ways. It's up to you to decide and make sure you understand what you are doing.

Remember you are the newbie, so you need to be humble and accept you will have to learn and discover how things work.

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