IntraLAN sync from Synology NAS

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I'm running v1.54 on Synology and it works well to B2, Dropbox, etc. Today I attempted to set up a sync with a local Win10 PC... so I'm using...

rclone sync --progress /volume1/homes/user/music \\\h\music

I tested this with --dry-run, and all seemed well, but when I went to run it (I'm using SSH as sudo), the files copied to the folder from which I ran the command, creating a folder "\" which holds a copy of the synced files.

What am I doing wrong? The Win10 folder is shared for all users.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)


Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

DSM 6.2.4

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync --progress /volume1/homes/user/music \\\h\music

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
token = 

type = dropbox
token = 

type = b2
account = 
key = 
hard_delete = true

type = local

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Ran -vv Can't locate log... Where is this?


there was a template of questions, the answers help us to help you.

and that is an old version of rclone...

Updated OP, but not very helpful as I cannot locate some items.

that is an old version of rclone...

True, but other scripts are running fine. I'll update once I can work this out. Thank you.

so you are running rclone on the synbox?
if true, then \\\ that looks like syntax for a command run on windows, not linux

and post the full rclone debug log.....

If I could find it. I see no logs. Where would I look?

from filestation, use mount remote folder to mount a windows share.
then rclone sync to that mounted folder.

for a debug output, add -vv to the command and post the output.

for a debug output, add -vv to the command and post the output.

I've run that twice. When I can figure out how to grab the log output, I will.

from filestation, use mount remote folder to mount a windows share.
then rclone sync to that mounted folder.

I prefer not to mount the PC to the NAS. FWIW I'm sucessfully syncing another WinPC to this PC without any mount requirements. Just a simple command:

rclone sync --error-on-no-transfer --progress D:\Users\XXXXXXX\Documents \\\Documents

So I expect to do similarly from the NAS.


that is because windows supports smb as a native file system, whereas linux does not.
even on windows, unless the share is open to everyone, you still need to tell the window computer, the name of the share, a username and password; using windows explorer or command line with net use
in effect, mounting the window share on the other window computer.

as far as i know, if you want to access a windows smb share on the synbox, or any linux computer, you need to mount the windows smb share to a local folder on the synbox.

synbox makes it easy to do that smb mount with a nice gui or you can use the command such as
sudo mount -t cifs ......

and this is the mount that the synbox gui would create for you.

\\\share on /volume1/homes/user99/share type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=2.1(syno),blocksend,sec=ntlmssp,cache=strict,username=username,domain=WORKGROUP,uid=1026,forceuid,gid=100,forcegid,addr=,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,iocharset=utf8,nocase,nounix,mapposix,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,actimeo=1)

and then i can
rclone copy file.txt /volume1/homes/user99/share

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That clarifies things nicely, as the Win10 to Win10 rclone seemed so simple... I thought it would be the same for the Syno. So the solution for me may be a script to mount/sync/unmount the PC to the Syno.

FWIW, I finally pulled out the text from -vv, but it was just a list of file transferred and their statistics... no errors (reasonable, as the sync worked, but just didn't land on where I hoped it would.

Thanks again!

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