Inclue scp support in rclone

I'm currently looking into the rclone documentation and noticed there is no support for scp. Is there any plan to include this in a feature release? If it is not planed to be included what features does rclone currently miss what scp can offer?

Thanks a lot for the help.

Kind regards,

hello and welcome to the forum,

there is a huge backlog of requests to add new protocols/providers
you are welcome to open an issue at

tho rclone supports sftp

Thank you for your quick respponse.

I have been closer looking into the differences between rclone and scp. So far rclone sftp offers a lot which makes scp obsolent.

Here is a mapping overview:

  • scp -c cipher ----> rclone --sftp-use-insecure-cipher (Not recommended)
  • scp -F ssh_config ----> no support to read any ssh_config file and seems to complicated to implement
  • scp -i identity_file ----> rclone --sftp-pubkey-file
  • scp -l limit -----> rclone --sftp-chunk-size
  • scp -o ssh_option ----> no support to read any ssh_config file and seems to complicated to implement
  • scp -P port ----> rclone --sftp-port
  • scp -p preserve modification time ----> Will be preserved by default? But could be set --sftp-set-modtime
  • scp -r recursive .----> rclone does recurisve copies by default. Can be enable for ls via -R
  • scp -S program -----> rclone --sftp-subsystem
  • scp -v verbose ----> rclone --verbose or -vv

Did I miss anything? Since ssh config files or ssh options are in general not supported are there some features in rclone which compensate some of the configuration options?

Kind regrads,

Note that the scp protocol is being phased out :

That's rhel but I think I read that it's coming from the openssh project.

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