--ignore-checksum redux

Hello all

rclone v1.65.2

  • os/version: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 10.0.22631.2861 (x86_64)

doing a large copy between two LAN mounts (drive letters mounted via SMB Multichannel)

--ignore-checksum speeds up transfers from 1.5 GB/s to about 2.6GB/s (mostly very large files)

rclone copy y:\Media\ x:\Media\ --transfers 30 -vP --check-first --max-backlog 500000 --inplace --order-by size,desc --ignore-checksum

in reality is there any serious risk here, if, after finishing I ran this WITHOUT ignore checksum is it going to do any kind of checksum comparison?


It is entirely up to you to remove all security layers. It of course speeds up things at the cost of increased risk of not catching corrupted transfer.

It is like backup and verify vs backup only. Only you can decide if it is acceptable for you.

I have seen recently very interesting story (link below). I think it is worth reading in this context.

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That’s sort of my question, if I did another copy with checksum after it’s complete wouldn’t it verify the checksums of existing files in some way

For transfer between two local network machines you could use rsync - then checksums can be calculated locally (at either end). But it does not do parallel transfers so it is balancing act here.

Or use rclone for massive parallel transfer and then rsync for verification - this is I think what I would do for local machines as it would remove network bottleneck. Of course all is relative and I can picture mechanical HDD storage and 25G network link or NVME SSD storage and 1G network (to sort of highlight two extremes) which would change all equation. It depends if you are benchmarks freak or very data integrity conscious person:)

It all boils down to the question do you want to verify what you transferred or not.

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