Commands like ls /mnt/path/to/mount/dir take forever (like 8 seconds) to return results on a directory with less than 10 files.
I need to be able to see file changes quickly when they happen so caching is not very useful. I also need to be able to add, delete and list files quickly. Any help with this?
You will see the --vfs-cache-mode off flag below because caching would just mean I see stale data. I want to quickly pick up on file changes.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
--poll-interval is not supported for sftp remotes.
that is because of --dir-cache-time 2s
after two-seconds, the vfs dir cache is considered stale.
so each time you visit that directory, rclone has to re-scan. and sftp is very slow at that.
that is not correct, it is a bit confusing.
that flag is for the vfs file cache, which has nothing to do with the vfs dir cache.
your issue is with the vfs dir cache.
--poll-interval is not supported for sftp remotes.
Ah, OK my bad. I didn't see that in the mount logs. It seems I need to get used to using the --verbose flag first.
that is because of --dir-cache-time 2s
after two-seconds, the vfs dir cache is considered stale.
so each time you visit that directory, rclone has to re-scan. and sftp is very slow at that.
Maybe I need to change to object-based storage then?
that is not correct, it is a bit confusing.
that flag is for the vfs file cache, which has nothing to do with the vfs dir cache.
your issue is with the vfs dir cache.