I couldn't use git commands inside the mounted s3 bucket on windows

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I used rclone to mount s3 bucket as drive in windows and I used winfsp also, after that inside the drive I tried to clone a application from codecommit, i'm getting errors when clone the application

NOTE: rclone is working fine

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)


Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

windows 10 64 bit latest version

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

AWS s3 bucket

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

git clone <application path>

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

A log from the command with the -vv flag

021/03/23 17:34:30 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv/.git/config.lock: corrupted on transfer: MD5 hash differ "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" vs "975982890376125ad2e3e0296ad72c2a"
2021/03/23 17:34:30 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv/.git/config(0xc0009ecf00): failed to transfer file from cache to remote: corrupted on transfer: MD5 hash differ "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" vs "975982890376125ad2e3e0296ad72c2a"
2021/03/23 17:34:30 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv/.git/config(0xc0009ecf00): RWFileHandle.Flush error: failed to transfer file from cache to remote: corrupted on transfer: MD5 hash differ "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" vs "975982890376125ad2e3e0296ad72c2a"
2021/03/23 17:34:30 ERROR : IO error: failed to transfer file from cache to remote: corrupted on transfer: MD5 hash differ "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" vs "975982890376125ad2e3e0296ad72c2a"
2021/03/23 17:34:30 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:30 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:31 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config: cache: double close
2021/03/23 17:34:32 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv/.git/config.lock: Failed to calculate src hash: hash: failed to stat: CreateFile \\?\C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\rclone\vfs\s3\blackswan-sun3\core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv\.git\config.lock: The system cannot find the file specified.
2021/03/23 17:34:32 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv/.git/config.lock: corrupted on transfer: MD5 hash differ "" vs "97f142bbc82c179c3f6f333e455335bd"
2021/03/23 17:34:32 ERROR : core-ehubrest-element-gen1-srv/.git/config(0xc0003c8d00): failed to transfer file from cache to remote: corrupted on transfer: MD5 hash differ "" vs "97f142bbc82c179c3f6f333e455335bd"


that is a very old version of rclone, latest is v1.54.1

git might not be a good git for rclone, as it does small random access read/writes

hard to know for sure as you did not post most of the requested information.

is possible to use git commands inside rclone drive? @asdffdsa

hard to know for sure as you did not post most of the requested information.

WIth a newer rclone, yes it should work. Prepare for them to be slow. --vfs-cache-mode full is recommended.

hey guys I really impressed by your support, I fixed my issue, git commands are working perfectly, in future definitely I will give support to Rclone :slight_smile: Thank you very much @ncw and @asdffdsa :slight_smile:

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great you got it working, i will now for next time.

can you post the command that worked?

@asdffdsa previously I used old version of rclone therefor git commands didn't work, you gave the idea to upgrade the version, I just used the latest version, it's working perfectly

can you post the command that you are using that works well with git?

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