How to improve reliability? gdrive mount on mac with launchd & KeepAlive

I've been trying for some time now to achieve a reliable rclone mount on macos using FUSE (3.10.0). My main gripe has been macos' constant sleeping, resulting in a loss of the mount. I've had very shaky results using cron, but finally have a good system using a launchd global daemon. The mount mostly stays mounted correctly, however occasionally the folders appear empty. Ejecting the disk and waiting for a remount is the best way to remedy this, however I'd prefer the system was foolproof. Any ideas?

rclone v1.49.4
os/arch: darwin/amd64
go version: go1.13.1

MacOS 10.14.6

Google Drive > Crypt

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
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2019/10/02 11:53:34 mount helper error: mount_osxfuse: mount point /Users/xxx/mnt/secure-media is itself on a OSXFUSE volume
2019/10/02 11:53:34 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: mount_osxfusefs: exit status 64
2019/10/02 11:53:43 ERROR : Couldn't find home directory or read HOME or XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variables.
2019/10/02 11:53:43 ERROR : Defaulting to storing config in current directory.
2019/10/02 11:53:43 ERROR : Use --config flag to workaround.
2019/10/02 11:53:43 ERROR : Error was: user: Current not implemented on darwin/amd64

I can give very little detailed help for macOS, but maybe I can give some general insight and ideas you can follow up on yourself.

Firstly, this sounds more like an OSX problem than an rclone one. I think you will have to fix it from OSX's side of things and find a way for it to not shut down or suspend the process. You might find better help for this issue on a OSX-spesific forum for that reason.

Secondly, rclone does not need to continually run (actively) to have a mount not shut down. I can hibernate my system for a week and the mount will still be there on wakeup (Windows10). As long as it isn't shut down or actively suspended as a process it should be fine as it doesn't rely on any active connection to some server (that happens pr. transfer or other action). So in short, this is almost certainly a solvable issue,

Have you checked if the rclone process actually dies on the system when this happens? That would be a key thing to check.

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