I would like to know if it is possible to copy public shared google drive file without the need for shared it with me?
The reason for this is i am using google service accounts in rclone and i can not add the public file to that accounts shared with me ,and the all possible solution i found for server to server copy is to use shared-with-me flag.
I need a solution that let me just add the URL of the public file and let rclone copy it server to server.
It is not possible to add public links to shared with me for service accounts as they had no access to google gui.
Unless there is some command that let me add file to shared with me using shell.
I see what you mean. If its a folder I know you can use the drive-root-folder-id. I don't think you can do that with a file though and i'm not even sure if the API supports that. Maybe V3 does.