Doc says "Normally rclone will look at modification time and size of files to see if they are equal." but doing a simple rclone sync Z:\ F:\ --progress -v leads to massive traffic as checksums are done.
I haven't found any switch to do so, so how to avoid/disable checksumming here.
Q: "Why in the world would you want to?!"
A: Neither F:\ nor Z:\ are local drives, they're cloud storage mounts. I simply cannot download 1TB data each time I try to sync and using hasher was at best a workaround.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.68.0
os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 21H2 (64 bit)
os/kernel: 10.0.19044.3324 (x86_64)
os/type: windows
os/arch: amd64
go/version: go1.23.1
go/linking: static
go/tags: cmount
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
Filen, mounted as drive F:\
pCloud, mounted as drive Z:\
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)
rclone sync Z:\ F:\ --progress -v
Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.
'local' drives require no config, so no config at all
AFAIK I run a single instance for the sync job, Taskmanager also only shows a single one.
How do you get the idea I ran 3?
If it's about the mounts: Z:\ is not an rclone mount (F:\ is indeed an rclone* mount**, no other way to access Filen w/o using their [censored] client). But the checkers are ran by my basic command, not by the rclone mount.
that is an alpha version of a custom compiled version of rclone using an unsupported and untested backend.
imo, might post at their forum, contact their tech support.
Fine, but how do I achieve the documented "will look at modification time and size of files to see if they are equal" vs. the (undocumented) 8 checkers downloading every.single.file I experience?
If you run a copy, if the date and sizes are identical, no copy happens. No checksum happens.
If you run a copy and data/time are mismatched, you get a copy, you get a checksum unless cancel it like @kapitainsky told you a few posts up.
texter@Earls-Mac-mini t % mkfile 1g testfile.txt
texter@Earls-Mac-mini t % rclone copy testfile.txt test2.txt -vv
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "testfile.txt" "test2.txt" "-vv"]
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "testfile.txt"
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : Using config file from "/Users/texter/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "testfile.txt", "/Users/texter/Downloads/t"
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "test2.txt"
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "test2.txt" to be canonical "/Users/texter/Downloads/t/test2.txt"
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : testfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : /Users/texter/Downloads/t/test2.txt/testfile.txt.91b00ea0.partial: isCloned: true, error: <nil>
2024/09/10 09:55:09 DEBUG : testfile.txt.91b00ea0.partial: server-side cloned!
2024/09/10 09:55:11 DEBUG : testfile.txt: md5 = cd573cfaace07e7949bc0c46028904ff OK
2024/09/10 09:55:11 DEBUG : testfile.txt.91b00ea0.partial: renamed to: testfile.txt
2024/09/10 09:55:11 INFO : testfile.txt: Copied (server-side copy)
2024/09/10 09:55:11 INFO :
Transferred: 1 GiB / 1 GiB, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
Server Side Copies: 1 @ 1 GiB
Elapsed time: 2.1s
No checksum
2024/09/10 09:55:11 DEBUG : 6 go routines active
texter@Earls-Mac-mini t % rclone copy testfile.txt test3.txt -vv --ignore-checksum
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "testfile.txt" "test3.txt" "-vv" "--ignore-checksum"]
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "testfile.txt"
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : Using config file from "/Users/texter/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "testfile.txt", "/Users/texter/Downloads/t"
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "test3.txt"
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "test3.txt" to be canonical "/Users/texter/Downloads/t/test3.txt"
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : testfile.txt: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : /Users/texter/Downloads/t/test3.txt/testfile.txt.91b00ea0.partial: isCloned: true, error: <nil>
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : testfile.txt.91b00ea0.partial: server-side cloned!
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : testfile.txt.91b00ea0.partial: renamed to: testfile.txt
2024/09/10 09:57:48 INFO : testfile.txt: Copied (server-side copy)
2024/09/10 09:57:48 INFO :
Transferred: 1 GiB / 1 GiB, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred: 1 / 1, 100%
Server Side Copies: 1 @ 1 GiB
Elapsed time: 0.0s
2024/09/10 09:57:48 DEBUG : 6 go routines active
You save yourself a lot of time and share a debug log as that's the exact reason it's asked for as it shows exactly what you ran and the output and folks can help you explain the output and offer help.
re251sg67nnhm135oad319cpmk/058srvaumm56v2l6q44gc5m8mqujceocescn9putobrv1udqhke0: Modification times differ by 1h59m59.0498134s: 2023-07-05 08:24:09.9501866 +0200 CEST, 2023-07-05 10:24:09 +0200 CEST
re251sg67nnhm135oad319cpmk/058srvaumm56v2l6q44gc5m8mqujceocescn9putobrv1udqhke0: md5 = fc9a1bbf90f7172b148fc8501549c2d7 OK
re251sg67nnhm135oad319cpmk/058srvaumm56v2l6q44gc5m8mqujceocescn9putobrv1udqhke0: Skipped update modification time as --dry-run is set (size 1.271Ki)
re251sg67nnhm135oad319cpmk/058srvaumm56v2l6q44gc5m8mqujceocescn9putobrv1udqhke0: Unchanged skipping
ok, i think this is the issue?
might test --size-only
and read about --modify-window
not sure, if and how using --use-server-modtime affects that.
i would pick a single affected file and do some more testing.
When one-way syncing and "file is the same size but has a different modtime" then the logic should be clear: No matter what, copy source to dest. - thats why I do one-way-sync (I want source and dest to be identical).
No, I didn't as --size-only is unreliable in my environment (e.g. Acronis TrueImage edits tibx files during "incremental backup" to different content but identical size, same for Veracypt containers).
--dry-run is what i used all of this day (see debug logs), still the same.