How to acces gui from another computer


I have on my pi just installed Rclone and started with the gui. But i run rclone headless so i can´t access How can i give permission so i can acces the weinterface from my laptop? It´s my not clear how to do...

Thank you!

By default the webGUI (for security reasons) only allows access from the local system, not others on the network.

I know that there is a setting to disable this security default. It is noted in one of the webGUI development threads. I'm afraid I don't recall exactly what it is. I checked the documentation but I know there is still some stuff missing there. Do a little searching and you should find it :slight_smile:

Other than this you must of course also allow the port to be open on the computers LAN firewall, or you will not be able to each the server anyway.

Check out the document link here:

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