How should I mass-encrypt my crypt?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I set up two remotes.

The unencrypted Google Drive remote:

  • name: cloud
    • type: drive
    • client_id:
    • client_secret: ...
    • scope: drive
    • token: {...}
    • team_drive:

The encrypted crypt remote that takes its data from the cloud drive

  • name: cloud.crypt
    • type: crypt
    • remote: cloud:
    • password: *** ENCRYPTED ***
    • password2: *** ENCRYPTED ***

I mount the crypt after each log-in with:
rclone mount cloud.crypt: R: --network-mode --vfs-cache-mode writes

However, only new files appear in the crypt. All the unencrypted files from the cloud drive remain inaccessible from cloud.crypt drive.

How do I mass-encrypt all those files from cloud so that they can be accessed from cloud.crypt?

I am honestly thinking to just copy paste everything into crypt manually once and be done with this, but maybe there's a more elegant way.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.60.1
- os/version: Microsoft Windows 11 Home 21H2 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 10.0.22000.1219 (x86_64)
- os/type: windows
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.19.3
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

Did not run any command to mass-encrypt my files. Came here to ask first before destroying anything.

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

The unencrypted Google Drive remote:

  • name: cloud
    • type: drive
    • client_id:
    • client_secret: ...
    • scope: drive
    • token: {...}
    • team_drive:

The encrypted crypt remote that takes its data from the cloud drive

  • name: cloud.crypt
    • type: crypt
    • remote: cloud:
    • password: *** ENCRYPTED ***
    • password2: *** ENCRYPTED ***

hello and welcome to the forum,

first of all, really should/must use a folder for crypt remote, for example

    name: cloud.crypt
        type: crypt
        remote: cloud:crypt
        password: *** ENCRYPTED ***
        password2: *** ENCRYPTED ***

need to copy/move files from cloud to cloud.crypt, for example
rclone copy cloud:folder cloud.crypt:folder -vv --dry-run

correct. the crypt can only see the files that you copied/moved into it.

and how would you copy/paste manually?

I already have all the Google Drive files on my computer locally. So with the crypt mounted on R:, it's a drag and drop job (and then I'd delete the non-enrypted files from Google Drive). Or maybe I miss something that you see?

Anyway, returning to your original suggestion. rclone copy from cloud to cloud.crypt won't duplicate files, yes?

oh ok. that would work. tho best to copy the files, check the dest files, then perhaps delete the source.

tho really need to use a folder, as i mentioned above and the docs
"t is recommended to point the crypt remote to a separate directory within the wrapped remote"

What does it mean?
The crypt is set as follows:

  • name: cloud.crypt
    • type: crypt
    • remote: cloud:

Should it be something like this?

  • name: cloud.crypt
    • type: crypt
    • remote: cloud:/very-secret/

Every file inside the remote should be encrypted. So why the directory to make me click it twice in the explorer?

yes, that looks good.

not sure what you mean?

Sorry for not putting this clearer.
What's the point of putting all my files in R:/very-secret/ directory, which requires me going into R: and then clicking again on very-secret? There'd be no files outside of this directory.

I'd understand it if some files were supposed to be unencrypted and be freely readable by Google Drive. In such a case, the unecrypted files would sit outside very-secret, and every encrypted file would be "in a quarantine-of-sorts" inside a very mysterious looking directory R:/82357fj29892-f28ufn-whatever which is just a hashed version of very-secret.

no, that is not the case. very-secret will not appear in R:
the crypt can only see files that you copy into it.
and in any case, R: points to cloud:very-secret

the crypt remote needs to have a folder, as per your example,
remote: cloud:very-secret

so why not try that, run the mount again, and copy a single file into R:
then try rclone ls cloud:very-secret: and will see the files in their crypted state.

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