How reliable is rclone with GSuite Drive?

I have a legacy GSuite account with 50 accounts that will have shared storage soon, so in theory that gives me 750GB of GSuite Drive storage.

Would restic + rclone work well enough with it for nightly backups? This would be another backup (in addition to a B2 backup that works well), not the main one. I'm mostly interested in reliability. Speed / rate limiting is not that important when the backup runs at night.

Anyone have any first hand experience with such a setup?

Define what you mean by "reliable". Be precise.. then it should be easy to answer it point by point.

Can it run well unattended or does it run into errors a lot, I have to babysit it, troubleshoot, loses OAuth or however it authenticates, etc.?

And of course data integrity, does data end up corrupted where I have to start the backups fresh again?

The B2 setup has been pretty much set it and forget it for a few years now. Yes, I get an occasional 5xx error some night but it either recovers on its own, or I can quickly run the job or just ignore it and it will work next time.

If you stay within your account quotas and limits it should be trouble free. It will be probably slower than B2. For sure for small files as GDrive barely manages 2-3 files per second.

If you configure it once correctly then it will serve you "forever". Make sure you include your own client_id in remote configuration.

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