How much memory does Rclone need?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?


What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.50.1

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.13.4

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Amazon AMI release 2018.03 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Photos/Amazon S3

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone --no-traverse --log-file=rclone.log copy source dest

A log from the command with the -vv flag (eg output from rclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp)

I've viewed a few of the memory bug posts, but can't seem to find a minimum memory number anywhere. I've been trying to run Rclone with 1 or 2 GB of RAM, and I'm guessing that's not enough.

This completely depends on your configuration.
It can use almost nothing (maybe 20MB at baseline) - or with certain settings it can balloon into the extreme of many gigabytes.

So I would need to see your full rclone.conf as well as the spesific commands you run to give you pointers.

!!warning!! rclone.conf can contain certain sensitive information like clientID, clientSecret, token and crypt keys. These need to be [REDACTED] from the text before you post them - for your own safety and privacy.

Once I can see the setup I can point to spesific things that use a non-trivial amount of memory and you can trim those settings down to your need.

The most common big memory eaters are a combination of many concurrent transfers + large chunk sizes. These can be good for performance in certain situations, but they also use a lot of memory. it is certainly possible to get decent performance with a low memory setup though. I run rclone on Google VM micro-instances all the time, and they are not exactly overflowing with memory :slight_smile:

Are you running in a VM or something since its so low and you say 1 or 2 ...? if so waht is the host-OS? I can perhaps offer a good alternative to look into also (even if that is a side-discussion to this topic).

My rclone.conf looks like this:

type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = true
region = us-east-1
location_constraint = us-east-1
acl = private
storage_class = STANDARD

type = google photos
read_only = true
token = {}
client_id = 
client_secret = 

I'm running this in an Amazon EC2 micro (Amazon Linux) with 1GB of RAM. As an experiment, I just spun up a Medium with 2GB and tried it there, but that failed as well.

So it's basically a completely stock setup with no special config or flags used?

If so it is very curious that you use so much RAM, as the stock configuraiton defaults are quite conservative
Do you have any hard numbers on how much rclone uses? (like with the "top" command). I just want to make sure it's actually rclone using up your memory here...

Also - does this problem occur both when using google photos and AWS?

EDIT: Oh and one more thing - please check your rclone version using
rclone version

A common problem is that people download from repositories that have versions literally years out of date... it's not even worth trying to troubleshoot until we know you have relatively new version honestly :stuck_out_tongue: it might be that simple.

Current version is 1.50.1

Easiest way to install latest version:

curl | sudo bash

EDIT: need some rest now. Will check back tomorrow :slight_smile:

Yep, I updated to the latest version. Yep, stock setup. I'd been using rclone to sync our photos via Google Drive until July of this year when Google decided to break that linkage. It took me this long to get around to reconfiguring to use Google Photos directly.

Not really sure how to record Top's output over time... but it only takes a few seconds for rclone to burn through the RAM. My command looks like this: rclone --no-traverse --log-file=rclone.log copy source dest

That sounds highly irregular. I am very much suspecting that this is something other than just rclone settings.

I don't think you answered my question. Does it happen when using both AWS and Gphotos? Or only one of them?

There is very little to trim memory-wise here from stock and I do not suspect this is the solution at all, but I suppose test setting these AWS settings:

--s3-upload-cutoff 5M
--s3-chunk-size 5M
--buffer-size 0

If that still runs out of memory when using AWS I can't imagine this is the fault of the settings.

You may want to re-create the problem while you run a debug log for us. This will give us some insight to what rclone is actually doing at the time. Use these flags:
--log-level DEBUG
then while that is running, provoke the problem. Then post the log-file. Some names of files and folders may leak in the log, but that's about the extent of security concerns for a debuglog.

I couldn't think of an easy way to test, because I only want to write from GP to S3. This morning, though, I wrote from both to a local directory, and both worked. So, should we expect copying or syncing from cloud to cloud to be more memory intensive than cloud to local?

Another thing I did just now was spin up a much larger instance on EC2, this time with 16GB of RAM. This was a completely bare install of Amazon Linux and the only things I added were rclone and htop. Watching htop I could see that memory usage peaked around 5GB (curiously, with --no-traverse set, it peaked at 8GB), and I was able to transfer all of my files (only hundreds per directory) without a hitch in just a few minutes.

Tested again on the machine with only 1GB RAM... I can transfer to a local folder from GPhotos, I can transfer from a local folder to S3, but if I try to transfer from GPhotos to S3 it runs out of memory so quickly that even 1 JPG (500k) is enough to break it.

Debug log: 2019/11/03 10:30:39 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.50.1" starting with parameters [ -

No, a remote-to-remote transfer should if anything be even less memory intensive, or at least not require any more.

5GB is completely abnormal with default settings and should not be possible as far as I know - and even more abnormal is this "one .jpg is enough to break the memory" scenario that you mention.

Did you specifically confirm that it was the "rclone" process that was using the memory )you wren't super spesific about that)? This is very nice if we can nail down just to make sure it's not something else than rclone itself causing the problem... I'd prefer that to just looking at the overall memory usage. This should be easily visible in htop.

I must assume this is some form of internal bug. Time to call in the big guns for some advice...
@ncw Can you comment on this? What information do you need to debug?

@seancamden He is likely to ask for that debug log I mentioned, so you might want to get ahead of that to make this process resolve faster :slight_smile: EDIT: thanks! I saw you added it now.

Thank you! I really appreciate your help!

I looked at the log and it is failing very eaarly, so something seems very badly wrong - although I am not quite qualified enough here to speculate on the exact cause - except that I expect an internal bug.

That you got the stack-trace in the log is exellent, and NCW should be able to get very good information out of that. Now we just wait for a response. he usually answers within a day, but he is out traveling now so have a little patience for his reply :slight_smile:

The log doesn't say much other than you ran out of memory on the system.

Did you change the buffer size or anything else? The log looks like you ran at all defaults, which you need to tune things down if you have limited memory on the system.

How's this for tuning things down?

rclone --log-level DEBUG --log-file=rclone-08-debug.log --checkers 1 --transfers
1 --use-mmap --buffer-size 0M --tpslimit 1 --no-traverse copy camden-family-google-photos:media/
by-month/2000/2019-08 camden-family-s3-buckets:thecamdenfamily-2019/08

This took about 5 minutes to reach the OOM error, and actually transferred just one file (out of about 300).

Debug log: 2019/11/03 14:20:56 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.50.1" starting with parameters -

I'm guessing you have a large number of files in a single directory?

Well, that's a good question. Google gives us things that look like directories: "media/by-month", "media/by-year", "media/all" and so on. But they also kind of look like aliases, right? If we consider the path "camden-family-google-photos:media/by-month/2000/2019-08" to represent a directory, there's only about 300 files in it. But if that's just an alias (or something) that sorts a subset of my whole photo collection, then we could be talking about a larger number of files.

Ok, that's weird... I just noticed what I thought was a typo in my Google Photos file path, corrected it and ran it again, but got the same result:

rclone ls camden-family-google-photos:media/by-month/2000/2019-08 | wc -l
rclone ls camden-family-google-photos:media/by-month/2019/2019-08 | wc -l

So, I'm not sure what to make of that.

Can you run a memory profile?

This sounds like a bug to me! An rclone copy should use very little memory (I tried a similar copy here and rclone used 35MB of RAM). The biggest memory use will be if you have a directory with millions of files, but I don't think that is the case.

Are you running on a 64 bit machine? I guess it is possible rclone ran out of address space.

What does top say about the memory used on the machine?

Try without --use-mmap --buffer-size 0M - I don't think that will fix it but let's try narrowing things down.

As you noted above these directories are totally synthetic! Rclone only parses the last element of the path which has all the info in it.

I will do this tomorrow night. Thank you!

Tried it, I don't think it changed anything. Command:

rclone --log-level DEBUG --log-file=rclone-08-debug.log --checkers 1 --transfers 1 --tpslimit 1 --no-traverse copy camden-family-google-photos:media/by-month/2000/2019-08 camden-family-s3-buckets:thecamdenfamily-2019/08

Log file: 2019/11/05 18:59:27 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.50.1" starting with parameters [ -

I think I'm being thwarted by EC2's security policies, but I'm not clever enough to be sure. Command:

go tool pprof -text http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap


Get http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap: dial tcp connect: connection refused failed to fetch any source profiles

I figured out what is going on!

It is because we don't know the size of the google photos when we upload them, and the s3 uploader therefore sizes its chunks to allow the maximum possible file size given the fact that you can only have 10,000 chunks. The partition size it chooses is 525 MB for a max file size of 5 TB.

This was brought to my attention a while back and I even made an issue about it:

Can you try this fix? It uses about 100MB of memory in my tests with --transfers 4 (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

s3: Reduce memory usage streaming files by reducing max stream upload size

Before this change rclone would allow the user to stream (eg with
rclone mount, rclone rcat or uploading google photos or docs) 5TB
files.  This meant that rclone allocated 4 * 525 MB buffers per
transfer which is way too much memory by default.

This change makes rclone use the configured chunk size for streamed
uploads.  This is 5MB by default which means that rclone can stream
upload files up to 48GB by default staying below the 10,000 chunks

This can be increased with --s3-chunk-size if necessary.

If rclone detects that a file is being streamed to s3 it will make a
single NOTICE level log stating the limitation.

This fixes the enormous memory usage.
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